meta data for this page
Apple uses a number of networked services for the macOS/iOS devices to have the phone home for a variety of reasons. At least they kindly provide an overview on their website as to:
I maintain some largely Python-based set of scripts related to GPlates data processing. These are hosted on this website and can be accessed via these links:
- gptools - Convert/reformat GPlates rotation files to the new GROT format, basic error checking, produce reconstructable graticules.
- geotimecpts - Collection of colorscales for various geological time scales to use in
Software tips/tricks
- LaTeX - on Mac, Windoze
- VIM/NeoVim: setup, plugins, usage
GPlates-related articles
GMT-related articles
Articles and pages related to the Generic Mapping Tools:
Databases & programming
- r: R and RStudio setup and tips
Operating systems-related
- Windoze. How to survive the 'doze - my log of Microsoft software quirks I need to get my head around