====== Bibliography tools ====== I maintain my bibliographic reference database in BibTeX format, managed by the fantastic [[https://bibdesk.sourceforge.io|BibDesk]]. ===== Doi -> BibTex entry ===== Sometimes it is convenient to use the command line to download a citation in BibTeX format, copy it to the clipboard and generate an entry in BibDesk. curl -LH "Accept: text/bibliography; style=bibtex" https://doi.org/10.1038/nature13435 | pbcopy This uses the [[https://doi2bib.org]] website, fetches the citation in BibTeX format and pipes it to the MacOS clipboard (''pbcopy'') - adapted from [[https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/6848/automatically-dereference-doi-to-bib|StackOverflow]] ===== Zotero ===== Speeding up Zotero (found on the [[https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/47026/zotero-very-slow/|Zotero forum]]: * Quit Zotero * Open the Zotero database SQLite file using [[http://sqlitebrowser.org/|DB Browser for SQLite]] and chose ''Compact database''. Maybe advisable to make a backup of the original file first, if you don't have that yet. * Open Zotero again Zotero & BibLaTeX -- my previous setup was such that automagically generated BibTeX cite keys contained characters which failed compilation with ''biber''. An easy workaround for this is in the [[https://retorque.re/zotero-better-bibtex/citation-keys/|Better BibTeX plugin for Zotero]] is to set the citation key generator pattern to ''[Auth:clean].[year]''. I use ''Author.YYYY[a-z]'' as cite keys. {{tag> Zotero Bibliographies HowTo Biber BibLaTeX BibTeX}}