~~META: creator = Christian Heine &date created = 2014-09-06 ~~ ====== Updated geological time scale colour palettes ====== While it has been a little break over the summer on this blog, I have nevertheless been able to make a few updates related to the geological time color palettes (see this link for the original post). I have added the GTS2004 palettes (epochs and ages) and also the SEPM95 timescale. The color palettes (or *.cpt files) are designed for use with the [[http://generic-mapping-tools.org/|Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)]] but can also be loaded in [[http://www.gplates.org/|GPlates]]. On [[http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/heine/index.html|cpt-city]], other formats are also available: The gradients on cpt-city are usually available in each of the following file formats: * Generic Mapping Tools, GMT (cpt) * CSS3 gradients (c3g) * GIMP (ggr) * Gnuplot palette files (gpf) * POV-Ray colour map headers (inc) * PaintShop Pro’s native format (having the extension PspGradient), which can also be read by Photoshop (psp) * The SAO format DS9 (sao) * Scalar vector graphics gradients (svg) Both palettes are still incomplete and require the extension back in geological time or adding eons or epochs. The files are available on [[https://code.paleoearthlabs.org/geotimecpts|in the geotimecpts repository]]. Any contribution to extend the individual files or add new timescales (or formats such as for QGIS) will be greatly appreciated! {{tag> General_Digital GMT Cenozoic Epochs Era Geological_Time_Scale Geomagnetic_Polarity_Timescale GMT5 Life_is_better_in_colors Magnetic_chrons Map_Making Mesozoic Paleozoic Stages}} ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~