Table of Contents

Scientific data and formats

Scientific data, format descriptions and standards related to my work and publications.


Tips and Tricks for data crunching

Translating gridded data from seismic interpretation to GMT-compatible format

From Petrel one can usually export ZMAP+ formatted grids in a given projection. It pays off to use a projection which is GDAL/PROJ compatible so that one can simply use the EPSG codes to reproject grids. I found it easier to use the GDAL-stack instead of going forth and back using GMT and/or GIS. Here's the basic steps I usually go through:

  1. gdal_translate -of netCDF -a_srs EPSG:12345 INPUT_grd_UTM_zmap+.dat (chose from GDAL's exhaustive raster drivers list)
  2. Check whether the output is correct using gdalinfo
  3. Re-project grid using gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326
  4. Run GMT-script on