Updated geological time scale colour palettes

While it has been a little break over the summer on this blog, I have nevertheless been able to make a few updates related to the geological time color palettes (see this link for the original post). I have added the GTS2004 palettes (epochs and ages) and also the SEPM95 timescale. The color palettes (or *.cpt files) are designed for use with the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) but can also be loaded in GPlates. On cpt-city, other formats are also available:

The gradients on cpt-city are usually available in each of the following file formats:

Both palettes are still incomplete and require the extension back in geological time or adding eons or epochs. The files are available on in the geotimecpts repository. Any contribution to extend the individual files or add new timescales (or formats such as for QGIS) will be greatly appreciated!