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- oftware]] * [[teaching:start|Teaching]] * [[teaching:explorationtectonics:start|Basin analysis/Exploration tectonics course
- teaching @teaching #Advice #Courses #Teaching
- ====== Teaching resources ====== * [[researchtools|Research tools]]: A relatively generic list for writin... e, models and workflows ===== Past ===== * [[.explorationtectonics:start|Basin Analysis/Exploration Tectonics]] - 3-... Geophysical Methods]], School of Geoscience, The University of Sydney (2010-2013) {{tag> teaching Courses}}
- exploration_tectonics_course @tectonicwaters
- urse ====== The first installment of the new //[[teaching:explorationtectonics:start|Exploration Tectonics Course]]// did mark m... [[|QGIS]]. Thanks to everyone who participated! {{tag> teaching exploration tectonics}}
- 0217_short_course_in_basin_analysis_at_lmu @tectonicwaters:2018
- eue Pinakothek}} The "southern" version of the [[teaching:explorationtectonics:start|Exploration Tectonics/Basin Analysis course... il next time! {{tag> Basin_analysis Short_course Teaching Geodynamics Python GPlates QGIS}} ~~DISCUSSION:
- 0301_exploration_tectonics_2017 @tectonicwaters:2017
- Tectonics 2017 ====== The 2017 version of the [[teaching:explorationtectonics:start|Exploration Tectonics course]] will be taug