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gmt @computing #GMT #Generic Mapping Tools #Shell scripting #TipsAndTricks
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====== Generic Mapping Tools ====== ===== Contributions ===== Some notes on where I contributed to
birdplateboundaries @scientificdata:platetectonics #Data #GMT #Plate boundaries
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====== Plate boundaries for GMT5s psxy ====== <note important>This page is a copy from my now defu
scientificdata @scientificdata #Data #Formats #GDAL #GMT #Raster data #Reproject #TipsAndTricks
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====== Scientific data and formats ====== Scientific data, format descriptions and standards relate
0330_ogr2ogr_in_the_3rd_dimension @tectonicwaters:2012 #GMT #GeoHacks #SHP #ogr2ogr
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~~META: creator = Christian Heine &date created = 2012-03-30 ~~ ====== OGR2OGR in the 3rd dimensio
1104_the_world_in_geological_colors @tectonicwaters:2013 #Chronostratigraphy #GMT #GPlates #GeoHacks #Geological Time Scale #Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale #Visualisation
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~~META: creator = Christian Heine &date created = 2013-11-04 11:49am ~~ ====== The world in (ge
0824_peter_bird_s_2002_plate_boundaries_for_gmt5_and_higher @tectonicwaters:2019 #GMT #Plate boundaries #Plate tectonics #Visualisation
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====== Peter Bird's 2002 Plate boundaries for GMT5 and higher ====== My former //TectonicWaters// b
0306_oblique_annotations_in_gmt6_s_colorbar @tectonicwaters:2021 #GMT #Generic Mapping Tools #Map making #Software
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====== Oblique annotations in GMT6's colorbar ====== Since this week, the [[https://generic-mapping