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Generate UUIDs in ArcGIS Pro
The corporate GIS vehicle is ESRI's ArcGIS Pro. When digitizing new features which are to be used in GPlates, each feature is required to have a UUID-based FEATURE_ID
in the form of GPlates-7344d973-6ff1-47f7-93b9-bdb9cf7197ee
. In ArcGIS Pro, this can be done easily using the field calculator. The following definition (based on ESRI's website) can be plonked into the Code Block part of the Field Calculator:
def ID(): import uuid return 'GPlates-' + str(uuid.uuid4())
while in the field assignment (FEATURE_ID =
) one then simply uses the above definition, assigning FIELD_ID = ID()
Subduction volume paper published
Madison East's paper on subduction volume fluxes over the past 230 Ma is finally published in Gondwana Research.
The supplementary material is available on The plate reconstruction model and related digital age grids which were used for the calculations are available for download at the EarthByte FTP site.
Paper on Neuquen Basin
lead by my colleague Daniel Minisini, we have just published a paper on the “Sedimentology, Depositional Model, and Implications for Reservoir Quality” of the Vaca Muerta Unconventional Play in the Neuquen Basin in Argentina. The paper is a chapter in AAPG Memoir 121 "Integrated geology of unconventionals: The case of the Vaca Muerta play, Argentina", edited by Daniel Minisini, Manuel Fantín, Iván Lanusse Noguera, and Héctor A. Leanza,
Rifts III - Catching the wave!
Together with colleagues from industry and academia, I am convening the “Rifts III” conference at the Geological Society of London on 22 - 24 March 2016. It is the third incarnation of the “Rifts” conference series which started in 2004, and offers a unique platform to connect academic and industry researchers and explorationists to exchange views and provide updates on the newest developments of rift and passive margin research. We're in the process of lining up an impressive array of speakers who are at the forefront of the science and exploration of rifted basins and passive margins.
Registration will open soon while the program is currently being worked on. Here's the link to the conference on the Geological Sociecty website and the Flyer - a quote from the website on the conference format:
The objectives of the conference are to challenge paradigms and consider the applicability of new ideas to the latest sub-surface datasets. The technical program will be designed to address many of the critical parameters raised in these areas e.g. rift architectures, break-up models, continent-ocean boundaries, subsidence patterns, facies distribution and heat flow.
The three-day conference will be constructed around six half-day sessions and four broad themes of oral presentation that will polarize the scales of investigation and reveal the direct applicability of the emerging theorems. Many rift model paradigms underpin our understanding and exploration of rifted continental margins and new exploration concepts need to be consistently applied. However, numerous aspects of crustal evolution and lithospheric extension remain contentious, and new sub-surface datasets have highlighted important apparent conjugate paradoxes. Heat flow, subsidence and passive margin formation appear to be subject to both temporal and spatial anomalies related to rift processes.
More news to follow soon.