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birdplateboundaries @scientificdata:platetectonics #Data #GMT #Plate boundaries
11 Hits, Last modified:
====== Plate boundaries for GMT5’s psxy ====== <note important>This page is a copy from my now defunct [[http... s://|Tectonic Waters Wordpress blog]] ... -JN180/22 -Dl -A5000 -V -G200 -K -Y4 > psxy -J -R PB2002_boundaries.gmt -W0.5p,red -O -Sf0.25/3p -Gred -Ba30:."Bird's 2003 Plate Boundaries" >> B
0322_the_joys_of_extracting_data_from_geoscientific_papers @tectonicwaters:2013 #GIS #Georeferencing #Reverse engineering
3 Hits, Last modified:
this overview map has national and international boundaries and a coastline, it misses a graticule, but through the coastline and the international boundaries it still can be georeferenced adequately. Here is... er georeferencable features such as coastlines or boundaries. But was we also see is that the seismic lines ar
0824_peter_bird_s_2002_plate_boundaries_for_gmt5_and_higher @tectonicwaters:2019 #GMT #Plate boundaries #Plate tectonics #Visualisation
3 Hits, Last modified:
====== Peter Bird's 2002 Plate boundaries for GMT5 and higher ====== My former //TectonicWaters// blog hosted... nd here: [[scientificdata:platetectonics:birdplateboundaries|Plate boundaries for GMT5’s psxy]] ~~DISCUSSION~~
scientificdata @scientificdata #Data #Formats #GDAL #GMT #Raster data #Reproject #TipsAndTricks
2 Hits, Last modified:
data type codes]] * [[.:platetectonics:birdplateboundaries|Peter Bird's 2002 plate boundaries for GMT]] * [[chhei:geophysics:properties| Geophysical properties used i
oceanic_transform_fault_paper @tectonicwaters #Gravity #Magnetics #Oceanic crust #Oceanic transform faults #Sao Tome and Principe #paper
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e picked seismic horizons are used as geometrical boundaries of the crustal model. First, we perform a lateral
datatypecodes @scientificdata:platetectonics
1 Hits, Last modified:
esozoic) PO Political Boundary PR Province, State Boundaries QZ Quiet Zone RF Reverse Fault RS Ridge Segment
1017_rifts_iii_-_catching_the_wave @tectonicwaters:2015 #Basin evolution #Conference #Geological Society #Lithosphere extension #Passive margin formation #Rifting #Rifts
1 Hits, Last modified:
t architectures, break-up models, continent-ocean boundaries, subsidence patterns, facies distribution and hea
0904_subduction_volume_flux_paper_published @tectonicwaters:2019
1 Hits, Last modified:
ansitions.</blockquote> {{tag> Geodynamics Subduction Plate_boundaries GPlates pyGPlates}} ~~DISCUSSION~~