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geos3104 @teaching:geos3104 #Australia #Course #GEOS3104 #Geophysics #Teaching #USYD
8 Hits, Last modified:
on in the Madsen Petrology Lab (F09, Rm 336). The Pracs are Thu afternoon from 1pm-4pm in the computer l... m. 301). In 2011 we will run a geophysical field prac for the first time, using gravity, magnetics and ... ust outside the USYD Camperdown campus. The field prac will happen in semester week 2. ===== Links ====...|Pictures of the Geophysical Fi
marulanfieldprac2011 @teaching:geos3104 #Australia #Course #Field prac #GEOS3104 #Geophysical Methods #Gravity #Magnetics #NSW #Seismic refraction #Southern Highlands #Teaching #USYD
7 Hits, Last modified:
w ---- namespace : . title : GEOS3104 Field Prac - Marulan Farm - 2012 description: Pictures from the first Marulan Farm geophsyical field prac copyright : © 2012-2023 by Christian Heine ---- ====== Gallery: 2012 Marulan Geophysical Field prac ====== In 2012, we ran the first geophysical field practical at Arthursleigh University Farm in Marulan/S
fieldwork @fieldwork
2 Hits, Last modified:
es etc. * 2012: [[teaching:geos3104:marulanfieldprac2011|GEOS3104 Geophysical Methods - Field Prac]] at Arthursleigh University Farm (Southern Highlands)
0217_short_course_in_basin_analysis_at_lmu @tectonicwaters:2018
1 Hits, Last modified:
leum systems over those 3 days, with sprinkled-in pracs on GIS, Python, GPlates and seismic interpretati
standardformat @software:gplates:grot
1 Hits, Last modified:
An example of a commented line using the current practice of replacing the Plate ID of the moving plate
grot @software:gplates:grot #Data formats #GPGIM #GPlates #GROT #Rotation data
1 Hits, Last modified:
An example of a commented line using the current practice of replacing the Plate ID of the moving plate