Fulltext results:
- filebody @computing:gplates:grot
- | up to [[computing:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]] || | <- [[computing:gplates:grot:filehe... p://www.bibtex.org/Format/|BibTeX format]], see [[computing:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]]. T... _Core|Info about Dublin Core]] ---- | up to [[computing:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]] || | <- [[computing:gplates:grot:fileheader|GROT File format: File he
- fileheader @computing:gplates:grot
- | up to [[computing:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]] || | <- [[computing:gplates:grot:standa... taking over from SVN.</note> ----- | up to [[computing:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]] || | <- [[computing:gplates:grot:standardformat|Basic features of the *.grot syntax]] | -> [[computing:gplates:grot:filebody|File body: The rotation seq
- sidebar
- rojects]] * [[scientificdata:start|Data]] * [[computing:start|Computing]] * [[teaching:start|Teaching]] * [[fieldwork:start|Fieldwork]] ---- ===== PaleoEarthLabs.org ===== * [[http://www.pal
- attributenames @computing:gplates:grot
- | <- [[computing:gplates:grot:start|GROT File format description]] | -> [[computing:gplates:grot:examplefiles|Rotation file ex... symmetry of the matrix used. | | ---- | <- [[computing:gplates:grot:start|GROT File format Description]] | -> [[computing:gplates:grot:examplefiles|Rotation file example]] | {{tag>
- examplefiles @computing:gplates:grot
- | up to [[computing:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]] || | <- [[computing:gplates:grot:attrib... 1029/2007JB005499} } </file> ---- | up to [[computing:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]] || | <- [[computing:gplates:grot:attributenames|GPlates GROT Format a
- pg9 @computing:postgresql
- l 11.3 and PostGIS 2.5.2. which can be accessed [[computing:postgresql:pg12|here]]</note> I have been using ... ike this below: <code bash> Success. You can now start the database server using: /usr/local/bin/po... ocal/bin/pg_ctl -D /path/to/dbcluster/ -l logfile start </code> Yo. All set up, ready to roll - with the... [[https://chartio.com/resources/tutorials/how-to-start-postgresql-server-on-mac-os-x/|Chartio]] provides
- grot @computing:gplates:grot #Data formats #GPGIM #GPlates #GROT #Rotation data
- s://wiki.paleoearthlabs.org/software/gplates/grot/start?do=revisions|History of this page]]. - [[.:att... /documents/dcmi-terms|DublinCore terms]]). Let’s start out with the mandatory information in the file he... ates and proper citations for the file. See the [[computing:gplates:grot:attributenames|GPlates GROT Format a... ng plate id. It is denoted by a ''>'' flag at the start of each line and allows multi-line headers. <no
- gplates @computing #GPlates
- es wiki page ====== ===== Tech info ===== * [[computing:gplates:gpgim|GPlates GPGIM ideas]] * [[http://... accessible from the GPlates Python console. * [[computing:gplates:devsuggestions|GPlates development ideas/suggestions]] (locked) * [[computing:gplates:devsuggestions|GPlates development suggestions]] * [[.:gplates:grot:start|GPlates Rotation file format]] * [[.:gplates:ho
- standardformat @computing:gplates:grot
- back to [[computing:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]] ====== Basic features of the *.grot synta... for all applicable features. ----- continue to [[computing:gplates:grot:fileheader|GROT File format: File he
- 0215_a_textmate_bundle_for_gplates_rotation_files @tectonicwaters:2013 #Data formats #GPGIM #GPlates #GROT #Syntax coloring #TextMate
- ion format change to the new ''*.GROT'' format ([[computing:gplates:grot:start|see the gory details here]] and a technical paper