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44 Hits, Last modified:
| up to [[software:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]] || | <- [[software:gplates:grot:fileheader|GROT File format: File header [mandatory]]] | -> [[software:gplates:grot:attributenames|GPlates GROT Format attribute list]] | ---- ===== File body: Th... etails.| For a complete list of attributes see [[software:gplates:grot:attributenames|GPlates GROT Format attribute list]] Example: <code> 833
23 Hits, Last modified:
back to [[software:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]] ====== Basic features of the *.grot syntax ====== The following section outlines the ... ial query can be run for all applicable features. ----- continue to [[software:gplates:grot:fileheader|GROT File format: File header]]