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0113_why_there_is_no_saharan_atlantic_ocean @tectonicwaters:2014 #Africa #Continental breakup #Cretaceous #Mesozoic #Numerical model #Plate reconstructions #Publishing #Rifting #South America #South Atlantic
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understanding the rules which govern continental extension and tectonic plate motion ultimately sculpting Ea... ary configuration, lithospheric architecture, and extension geometry determines the dynamics of rift evolutio... he rift geometry, we analyze the Early Cretaceous extension between Africa and South America that was precede
updated_geological_time_scale_colour_palettes #Cenozoic #Epochs #Era #GMT #General Digital #Geological Time Scale #Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale #Life is better in colors #Magnetic chrons #Map making #Mesozoic #Paleozoic #Stages
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nc) * PaintShop Pro’s native format (having the extension PspGradient), which can also be read by Photoshop... oth palettes are still incomplete and require the extension back in geological time or adding eons or epochs.
1017_rifts_iii_-_catching_the_wave @tectonicwaters:2015 #Basin evolution #Conference #Geological Society #Lithosphere extension #Passive margin formation #Rifting #Rifts
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ous aspects of crustal evolution and lithospheric extension remain contentious, and new sub-surface datasets
0120_experiences_with_the_egu_open_access_publication_solid_earth @tectonicwaters:2013 #EGU #Open access #Peer review #Publishing #Transparency
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r model suggests a causal link between changes in extension direction and velocity during continental extension and the generation of marginal structures such as the en... São Paulo High. We model an initial E–W directed extension between South America and Africa (fixed in presen... locities as well as a significant rotation of the extension direction to NE–SW. From Base Aptian onwards diac