Fulltext results:
- grot @software:gplates:grot #Data formats #GPGIM #GPlates #GROT #Rotation data
- == GPlates and the GPlate Geological Information Model (GPGIM) and the GPlates markup language (GPML) ha... e tectonic data. Whereas the feature-centric data model has been vastly improved, the way the rotation model data is handled has not changed since the early day... n of rotation uncertainty estimates. I propose to model this new standard on the currently implemented GM
- filebody @software:gplates:grot
- tors. The rotation header sequence denominator is modelled as follows: Template: <code> > @MPRS:pid"PI... -2.660 901 @PP"PHS-PAC" @REF"Wessel.JGR.08" @C"Model WK08-A" @GTS"GeeK07" 002 5.890 59.6500 -... -5.390 901 @PP"PHS-PAC" @REF"Wessel.JGR.08" @C"Model WK08-A" @GTS"GeeK07" 002 8.860 62.8700 -... -8.230 901 @PP"PHS-PAC" @REF"Wessel.JGR.08" @C"Model WK08-A" @GTS"GeeK07" 002 12.290 65.3700 -
- examplefiles @software:gplates:grot
- - 200 Ma. 250 Ma is the extent of this rotation model. Pacific absolute reference frame based on Wessel... @REF"Wessel.JGR.08" @DOI"10.1029/2007JB005499" @C"Model WK08-A" @GTS"GeeK07" 002 0.000 0.0000 0.... = {{Global Plate Motions Frames: Toward a unified model}}, Volume = {46}, Year = {2008}, Bdsk-Ur
- fileheader @software:gplates:grot
- - 200 Ma. 250 Ma is the extent of this rotation model. Pacific absolute reference frame based on We... . al. 2006 at 118.4 Ma Reference for rotation model: Seton et. al. (submitted to ESR)""" </code> ===... bTeX format as well as to the GPlates Information Model (GPGIM) website and a base URL for the [[https://
- gpgim
- ====== GPlates GPGIM ====== Ideas and working model for GPlates GPGIM <-> Shapefile interoperability and