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0617_updating_a_postgis_installation_to_postgresql_11_and_postgis_2.5.2 @tectonicwaters:2019
8 Hits, Last modified:
ersions - the full article to this is available [[software:postgresql:pg12|here]]. This new guide makes the [[software:postgresql:pg9|older install instructions for v 9.6.x and 2.4.1]] obsolete {{tag>Software GIS OpenSource PostgreSQL PostGIS}} ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~
0621_updated_postgresql-postgis_install_instructions @tectonicwaters:2017
6 Hits, Last modified:
I have updated my installation instructions for PostgreSQL/PostGIS on macOS - see the [[software:postgresql:pg9|PostgreSQL and PostGIS]] page for details. {{tag> PostGIS PostgreSQL macOS homebrew }} ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~