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software @software #GPGIM #GPlates #PaleoGIS #Petrel #Python #Software #applications #formats #windoze
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d can be accessed via these links: * [[|gptools]] - Convert/re... produce reconstructable graticules. * [[|geotimecpts]] - Co...]] * [[|GPlates bundle for TextMate]]... ]] === GPlates-related articles === {{tagging::tag>GPlates}} === GMT-related articles === Stuff
unixtools @software #ImageMagick #TipsAndTricks #WSL #awk #bash #git #magick #unison
31 Hits, Last modified:
roviding special cases depending on input data. <code bash> inData=( data1 data2 data3 ) # This genera... Grid="$grid2" cpt= ;; esac done </code> * Using ''set -x'' prints a ''+'' before each... s/13638670/adding-counter-in-shell-script|SO]]): <code>counter=$((counter+1))</code> ==== Reset the shell ==== At some stage I accidentally used ''curl'' in
pg12 @software:postgresql #How-To #Installation #MacOS #PostGIS #PostgreSQL #Software #Unix
7 Hits, Last modified:
the individual commands I use to compile/check: <code> ./configure PYTHON=/Library/Frameworks/ j24 make check make docs sudo make install -j24 </code> The hint with specifying the Python distributio... /Formula/postgresql@11.rb|postgresql.rb]] file: <code ruby> def plist; <<~EOS <?xml version="1.0"... g</string> </dict> </plist> EOS end </code> ==== Starting the new PostgreSQL service ====
python @software
6 Hits, Last modified:
=== Modules ====== * The uncompromising Python code formatter [[ -python#16566128|Decode URLs using Python]] * <code python> # py3 from urllib import parse parse.unqu... urllib urllib.unquote("theURL").decode('utf8') </code> * Translate coordinate reference system from '... okup-table/7615#7615|GIS on Stackexchange]]: * <code python> import sys from osgeo import osr prjtxt =
macosx @software #Apple #MacOSX #macOS
5 Hits, Last modified:
e following lines to your ``.ssh/config`` file: <code ssh> Host * UseKeychain yes AddKeysToAgent ... e ~/.ssh/id_rsa IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_25519 </code> * Command line search: ''find [path] -iname "... sudo'' on the drive where the installer is run: <code bash> sudo mv /.quota.ops.user /.quota.ops.user.orig sudo mv /.quota.user /.quota.user.orig </code> (have changed/fixed? the filenames from the ori
0909_compiling_pygplates_on_wsl_debian @tectonicwaters:2021 #Compilation #Debian #GPlates #Qt5 #WSL #Windows #pyGPlates
6 Hits, Last modified:
plained about Qt5 libraries not being present: <code> /usr/lib/qt5/bin/uic: error while loading shared... n shared object file: No such file or directory </code> However, these are installed in ''/usr/lib/x86_... . This is solved by running the following line: <code> sudo strip --remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ </code> {{tag>}
0830_moving_to_sourcehut @tectonicwaters:2021 #Code #DVCS #FOSS #GIT #Repository #Revisioning #Software #Webservice
7 Hits, Last modified:
====== and Sourcehut ====== I am slowly moving my BitBucket and GitHub reposito... hosted Fossil repositories available at [[]]. This means, there will be p... am from the original Fossil repos. The following code is available now: * [[|GPlates.tmbundle]] - A [[http
updated_geological_time_scale_colour_palettes @tectonicwaters #Cenozoic #Epochs #Era #GMT #General Digital #Geological Time Scale #Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale #Life is better in colors #Magnetic chrons #Map making #Mesozoic #Paleozoic #Stages
2 Hits, Last modified:
s or epochs. The files are available on [[|in the geotimecpts... such as for QGIS) will be greatly appreciated! {{tag> General_Digital GMT Cenozoic Epochs Era Geologic
grot @software:gplates:grot #Data formats #GPGIM #GPlates #GROT #Rotation data
87 Hits, Last modified:
nactive rotation sequence data looks like this: <code> 999 200.00 -55.810 -41.520 101.880 802 ! FLI-ANT Norton & Sclater 1979 fit </code> This methods has the severe disadvantage, that ... ation are regarded disabled/inactive by GPlates <code> # Comment which is ignored by GPlates @C"Co... "Comment read by GPlates but DISABLED rotation" </code> For legacy applications using rotation file
bibliographytools @software #BibTeX #Bibliographies #DOI #Reference Management #Software #Workflows
3 Hits, Last modified:
the clipboard and generate an entry in BibDesk. <code> curl -LH "Accept: text/bibliography; style=bibte... x" | pbcopy </code> This uses the [[]] website, ... ]''. I use ''Author.YYYY[a-z]'' as cite keys. {{tag> Zotero Bibliographies HowTo Biber BibLaTeX BibTe
0126_generate_uuids_in_arcgis_pro @tectonicwaters:2021 #ArcGIS Pro #GPlates #Python #UUID
4 Hits, Last modified:
(based on ESRI's website) can be plonked into the Code Block part of the Field Calculator: <code Python> def ID(): import uuid return 'GPlates-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) </code> while in the field assignment (''FEATURE_ID =''... ) one then simply uses the above definition, assigning ''FIELD_ID = ID()'' {{tag>}} ~~DISCUSSION~~
attributenames @software:gplates:grot
7 Hits, Last modified:
. "FOOB" for "Foo Bar"), this maps to the ''@AU'' tag in rotation sequence comments; ''Real Name'' – of... arating them with a colon ('':'') from the parent tag. | Example: | |''@BIBINFO'' | Optional. Parent a... unique ID of timescale to be used in the ''@GTS'' tag for the individual rotation sequences. 2) ''DOI''... ing plate. |Example ''@MPRS:pid"801"'' | |''@MPRS:code'' | :!: Mandatory | Unique letter acronym (variab
fileheader @software:gplates:grot
19 Hits, Last modified:
gives the current rotation file version number. <code> @GPLATESROTATIONFILE:version"1.0" </code> <note important>''@GPLATESROTATIONFILE:version'' -- File ... <note important>''@DC'' — file metadata</note> <code> @DC:namespace" tion model: Seton et. al. (submitted to ESR)""" </code> ==== Contributing authors ==== The next mandat
pg9 @software:postgresql
40 Hits, Last modified:
, I am assuming that homebrew is installed via: <code bash> /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw...." </code> Documentation for the brewing process can be fo... some of the key components I need for my work: <code bash> brew install python2.7 brew install gdal2 b... PostGIS documentation brew install docbook-xsl </code> ... with ''brew'' taking care of the dependenci
0527_from_the_dusty_archives @tectonicwaters:2018
2 Hits, Last modified:
hard drives I came across an old PLATES data type code specification as simple text file. Now linked [[s... tificdata:platetectonics:datatypecodes|here]] {{tag> Plate_tectonics Data Standards PLATES}} ~~DISC
scriptingsnippets @software
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gvim @software
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syntax @wiki
32 Hits, Last modified: