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software @software #GPGIM #GPlates #PaleoGIS #Petrel #Python #Software #applications #formats #windoze
5 Hits, Last modified:|geotimecpts]] - Collection of colorscales for various geological time scales to use i... nd tricks]] === GPlates-related articles === {{tagging::tag>GPlates}} === GMT-related articles === Stuff on the [[|Generic Mapping Tools]]: {{tagging::tag>GMT}} ==== Databases & programming ==
unixtools @software #ImageMagick #TipsAndTricks #WSL #awk #bash #git #magick #unison
2 Hits, Last modified:
pi images) -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress (high quality, color preserving, 300 dpi imgs) -dPDFSETTINGS=/default ... nt/f'' * ''mount -t drvfs f: /mnt/f'' {{tag> Unix awk command_line Quick_and_dirty SEGY magic
python @software
6 Hits, Last modified:
umentation]] * [[|Matplotlib colormaps]] and [[| how to normalise a colorm
0830_moving_to_sourcehut @tectonicwaters:2021 #Code #DVCS #FOSS #GIT #Repository #Revisioning #Software #Webservice
2 Hits, Last modified:|Geological time scale color palettes]] for GMT and GPlates * [[https://code... nd reformat rotation files (''*.rot'' and ''*.grot''). {{tag>DVCS Webservices GIT}} ~~DISCUSSION~~
updated_geological_time_scale_colour_palettes @tectonicwaters #Cenozoic #Epochs #Era #GMT #General Digital #Geological Time Scale #Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale #Life is better in colors #Magnetic chrons #Map making #Mesozoic #Paleozoic #Stages
4 Hits, Last modified:
make a few updates related to the geological time color palettes (see this link for the original post). I... ochs and ages) and also the SEPM95 timescale. The color palettes (or *.cpt files) are designed for use wi... such as for QGIS) will be greatly appreciated! {{tag> General_Digital GMT Cenozoic Epochs Era Geologic... agnetic_Polarity_Timescale GMT5 Life_is_better_in_colors Magnetic_chrons Map_Making Mesozoic Paleozoic St
0306_oblique_annotations_in_gmt6_s_colorbar @tectonicwaters:2021 #GMT #Generic Mapping Tools #Map making #Software
8 Hits, Last modified:
ters:2021:gts-s_a.png?600| Testing the new ''gmt colorbar -S+a'' option}} {{tag> #GMT #colorbar}} ~~DISCUSSION~~
0520_the_grot_-_a_new_rotation_file_format_for_gplates @tectonicwaters:2013 #FileFormat #GPGIM #GPML #GPlates #GROT #Metadata #Rotations
2 Hits, Last modified:
how this looks like in a text editor with syntax coloring (using TextMate and my [[ agnetic anomaly picks expressed through a CHRONID tag.}} So with the upcoming release of GPlates v1.3,
0924_arcgis_rest_api_colorscheme @tectonicwaters:2018 #ArcGIS #ArcMap #Colorpalettes #ESRI #GIS #Map making #Visualisation
9 Hits, Last modified:
worth a read: [[]] {{tag>GIS ESRI ArcMap Color}} ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~
gplates_coloring_features_by_absolute_age @tectonicwaters
16 Hits, Last modified:
====== GPlates: Coloring features by absolute age using the Geological Time Scale colours ====== {{ :tectonicwaters:gplates20_colorbyproperty_gts-absage_reconstruction50ma.png?nolin... == ===== This workaround requires to have the '''' script installed in the GPlates Us... lates ''Draw Style'' editor. You will also need a color palette file (''*.cpt'') with the Geological Time
qgis @software
2 Hits, Last modified:
Tricks ====== * Visualise 2.5D geometries: for coloring, annotation extraction etc of z-values in ''PO... ld calculator. Tip via [[]] {{tag> QGIS Visualising GIS spatial_data 3D}}
syntax @wiki
8 Hits, Last modified:
g), enclose the area either with ''%%<nowiki>%%'' tags or even simpler, with double percent signs ''<no... e used for the previous examples) or by using the tags ''%%<code>%%'' or ''%%<file>%%''. This is tex... e syntax to be highlighted is included inside the tag, e.g. ''<nowiki><code java></nowiki>'' or ''<nowi... ents by using the ''%%<html>%%'' or ''%%<php>%%'' tags. (Use uppercase tags if you need to enclose bloc