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0113_why_there_is_no_saharan_atlantic_ocean @tectonicwaters:2014 #Africa #Continental breakup #Cretaceous #Mesozoic #Numerical model #Plate reconstructions #Publishing #Rifting #South America #South Atlantic
29 Hits, Last modified:|Oblique rifting along the Equatorial Atlantic ocean: Why there is no Saharan Atlantic Ocean]]" is now available online, I believe a pre... tic and 3D numerical modelling to explain why the Equatorial Atlantic ocean formed in the Early Cretaceous time (around... along the present-day South American and African Equatorial Atlantic margins, won over the West African rift, causing ... borted rift systems, explaining why the South and Equatorial Atlantic Ocean basins formed and other rifts became aborte
0717_iodp_expedition_388_equatorial_atlantic_gateway @tectonicwaters:2018
21 Hits, Last modified:
t tropical temperatures in greenhouse climate states {{tag>Funding IODP Equatorial_Atlantic rifting gateways}} ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~
0120_experiences_with_the_egu_open_access_publication_solid_earth @tectonicwaters:2013 #EGU #Open access #Peer review #Publishing #Transparency
16 Hits, Last modified:
n times (≈126 Ma) when rift activity along in the equatorial Atlantic domain started to increase significantly. During ... localisation, rapid lithospheric weakening in the equatorial Atlantic domain, resulting in both progressively increasin... nguela margin segment at around 113 Ma and in the Equatorial Atlantic domain between the Ghanaian Ridge and the Piauí-C... e first order tectonic structures along the South Atlantic and possibly other passive margins.</blockquote>