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1025_geological_colours @tectonicwaters:2013 #CPT CITY #Cenozoic #Colorpalettes #Epochs #Era #FSL #GMT #GPlates #Generic Mapping Tools #GeoHacks #Magnetic chrons #Map making #Mesozoic #Paleozoic #Stages #Stratigraphy #Visualisation #geologicaltimescale #geomagneticpolaritytimescale
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sals|magnetic polarity chrons]] which are used in plate tectonic reconstructions - a simple assignment of normal/reverse magnetisa... with GMT's psscale: {{ :tectonicwaters:gts2012_stages.png?150|GTS 2012 - stages}} {{:tectonicwaters:gts2012_eons.png?150 |GTS 2012 - eons}} {{ :tectonicwa
examplefiles @software:gplates:grot
35 Hits, Last modified:
itle = {{Integrated crustal thickness mapping and plate reconstructions for the high Arctic}}, Volume = {274}, Year... sics}, Pages = {85-138}, Title = {{Cenozoic plate reconstructions of Southeast Asia}}, Volume = {251}, Year =... Pages = {B06101}, Title = {Pacific absolute plate motion since 145 Ma: An assessment of the fixed h... B005499} } </file> ---- | up to [[software:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for
paleogis @software #ArcGIS #Data formats #GIS #GPlates #PaleoGIS #PlateModelling #Workflows
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uld now be complete and useable. If necessary adjust the ''%%T_MODEL_SETTINGS%%'' table. {{tag> PaleoGIS software PlateTectonics Reconstructions GIS}}
gplates_coloring_features_by_absolute_age @tectonicwaters
45 Hits, Last modified:
?nolink&600 |Colour features by absolute ages in GPlates reconstructions}} When making reconstructions in [[|GPlates]] one often wants to colour features by their geological age. Using the [[https://... .register_draw_style(ColorByProperty()) </file> {{tag> GPlates features colour "plate tectonics" pygplates Python GTS tutorial}} ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~
plate_tectonics_drive_tropical_reef_biodiversity @tectonicwaters
8 Hits, Last modified:
ed from [[|Figshare]]. {{tag> Diversification Ecology Paleocoastlines Plate_reconstructions }} ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~
workflow_to_generate_paleogis_projects @tectonicwaters #PaleoGIS #Plate tectonic modelling #Software
17 Hits, Last modified:
be complete and useable. If necessary adjust the ''%%T_MODEL_SETTINGS%%'' table. {{tag> PaleoGIS software Plate_tectonics Reconstructions GIS GPlates workflow}}