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grot @software:gplates:grot #Data formats #GPGIM #GPlates #GROT #Rotation data
48 Hits, Last modified:
=== Rotation Line Data ===== We adopt the legacy PLATES rotation format which consists of 6 mandatory parameters specifying the stage pole of any given rotation. Backwards compatibil...|Info about Dublin Core]] {{tag> GPlates Rotations File_formats standard}}
gplates_coloring_features_by_absolute_age @tectonicwaters
42 Hits, Last modified:
).register_draw_style(ColorByProperty()) </file> {{tag> GPlates features colour "plate tectonics" pygplates Python GTS tutorial}} ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~
fileheader @software:gplates:grot
22 Hits, Last modified:
| up to [[software:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]] || | <- [[software:gplates:grot:standardformat|Basic features of the *.grot syntax]] | -> [[software:gplates:grot:filebody|File body: The rotation sequences]]
0520_the_grot_-_a_new_rotation_file_format_for_gplates @tectonicwaters:2013 #FileFormat #GPGIM #GPML #GPlates #GROT #Metadata #Rotations
21 Hits, Last modified:
==== The "GROT" - A new rotation file format for GPlates ====== I had written earlier about the new file format ("GROT" - pronounced g-rot) for [[|GPlates]] rotation files. After probably 3 decades of plain text rotation files with freeform comment... aper by Michael Chin]]. Now, the next release of GPlates will be able to read and write those files native
examplefiles @software:gplates:grot
21 Hits, Last modified:
| up to [[software:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]] || | <- [[software:gplates:grot:attributenames|GPlates GROT Format attribute list]]| -> | ---- ===== Rotation file example =====
filebody @software:gplates:grot
20 Hits, Last modified:
==== Rotation Line Data ==== We adopt the legacy PLATES rotation format which consists of 6 mandatory parameters specifying the stage pole of any given rotation. Backwards compatibility with PLATES rotation data The format has not changed andis fu... For a complete list of attributes see [[software:gplates:grot:attributenames|GPlates GROT Format attribute list]] Example: <code> 833 53.300 -14.1900 130.
gplates @software #GPlates
17 Hits, Last modified:
===== Blog entries ===== {{topic>tectonicwaters?gplates &nouser&notags}} ===== Teaching/courses ===== {{topic>gplates +teaching&nouser&notags}}
attributenames @software:gplates:grot
15 Hits, Last modified:
on]] | -> [[software:gplates:grot:examplefiles|Rotation file example]] | {{tag> GPlates Rotations Fileformat}}
standardformat @software:gplates:grot
15 Hits, Last modified:
back to [[software:gplates:grot:start|GROT: A new rotation file format for GPlates]] ====== Basic features of the *.grot syntax ===... ready pointed out during the early phases of the GPlates development and cumbersome when directly working ... fit </code> This methods has the severe disadvantage, that the original plate ID (PlateID1, moving pl
gpgim @software:gplates
14 Hits, Last modified:
====== GPlates GPGIM ====== Ideas and working model for GPlates GPGIM <-> Shapefile interoperability and extension of G... hought that one incarnation of the GPGIM at some stage had a ''wellsite'' or ''odpwell'' feature type. ... on - here we go -</del> There is a [[|''gpml:site''
devsuggestions @software:gplates
13 Hits, Last modified:
re, URLs either encoded as comment via @C comment tags (example @C get automatically rendered as clickable hype... iles ===== Link to original [[|forum suggestion post on]] <blockquote>The current version of [[|GPlates]] only allows raster files to be impo
software @software #GPGIM #GPlates #PaleoGIS #Petrel #Python #Software #applications #formats #windoze
12 Hits, Last modified:
nd tricks]] === GPlates-related articles === {{tagging::tag>GPlates}} === GMT-related articles === Stuff on the [...|Generic Mapping Tools]]: {{tagging::tag>GMT}} ==== Databases & programming ==== * [[software:python|Python and Jupyter resource... d standards ==== * [[|GPlates Geological Information Model]]
datatypecodes @scientificdata:platetectonics
7 Hits, Last modified:
Random Colours ZD Random Colours ZE Zero Edge </file> {{tag> PLATES Data Standards Plate_tectonic legacy}}
gplates @teaching:gplates
7 Hits, Last modified:
urse.pdf |GPlates course given at Macquarie University, Sydney, May 2013}} {{tag> GPlates GPlates_courses Teaching}}
1025_geological_colours @tectonicwaters:2013 #CPT CITY #Cenozoic #Colorpalettes #Epochs #Era #FSL #GMT #GPlates #Generic Mapping Tools #GeoHacks #Magnetic chrons #Map making #Mesozoic #Paleozoic #Stages #Stratigraphy #Visualisation #geologicaltimescale #geomagneticpolaritytimescale
7 Hits, Last modified:
ebpage, downloadable as PDF files. The different stages are assigned color values according to what app... Map of the World (CGMW)]] has proposed. At some stage they even produced a PDF which had both, RGB and... as data file where an RGB value is assigned to a stage/period/eon (as categorical color palette) so tha... [[|GMT]] or [[|GPlates]], but potentially also [[http://qgis
gvim @software
5 Hits, Last modified:
howtos @software:gplates
5 Hits, Last modified:
teaching @teaching #Advice #Courses #Teaching
3 Hits, Last modified:
exploration_tectonics_course @tectonicwaters
3 Hits, Last modified:
0527_from_the_dusty_archives @tectonicwaters:2018
3 Hits, Last modified: