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- 0628_graticules_for_plate_tectonic_reconstructions @tectonicwaters:2013 #Cartography #GPlates #Graticule #Map making #Plate reconstructions #Visualisation
- be downloaded [[ e creation is [[|here]] or [[|here]] Plate tectonic reconstructions require..." in my [[h
- 0306_oblique_annotations_in_gmt6_s_colorbar @tectonicwaters:2021 #GMT #Generic Mapping Tools #Map making #Software
- = Since this week, the [[|Generic mapping tools (GMT)]] have an option to plot colorscale annotations at an angle. After descr... time scale stages [[|GMT fo... mplemented the [[
- updated_geological_time_scale_colour_palettes #Cenozoic #Epochs #Era #GMT #General Digital #Geological Time Scale #Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale #Life is better in colors #Magnetic chrons #Map making #Mesozoic #Paleozoic #Stages
- esigned for use with the [[|Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)]] but can also be loaded in [[|GPlates]]. On [[h... the following file formats: * Generic Mapping Tools, GMT (cpt) * CSS3 gradients (c3g) * GIMP (ggr
- 0830_moving_to_sourcehut @tectonicwaters:2021 #Code #DVCS #FOSS #GIT #Repository #Revisioning #Software #Webservice
- d GPlates * [[|Tools for GPlates]] to maintain and reformat rotation files (''*.rot'' and ''*.grot''). {{tag>DVCS Web
- 0518_gis_and_p_l_ain_text @tectonicwaters:2012 #ArcGIS #FileFormat #GIS #PostGIS #QGIS #SHP #Versioning
- in or Linux) and want to use different geospatial tools, like QGIS, GPlates, GMT, OpenJUMP or ArcGIS or M
- 0719_shapefile_of_reconstructable_graticule_lines @tectonicwaters:2013 #GPlates #Graticule #Plate reconstructions #Visualisation
- license]] and was [[|created with]] (Link to B
- 1025_geological_colours @tectonicwaters:2013 #CPT CITY #Cenozoic #Colorpalettes #Epochs #Era #FSL #GMT #GPlates #Generic Mapping Tools #GeoHacks #Magnetic chrons #Map making #Mesozoic #Paleozoic #Stages #Stratigraphy #Visualisation #geologicaltimescale #geomagneticpolaritytimescale
- ===== Making maps with [[|GMT]] is fun (well, some might argue...), wha
- 0322_git_on_windows_subsystem_for_linux @tectonicwaters:2021 #WSL #git
- inux ====== Added a section on my [[software:unixtools|Tips and tricks *Nix]] on using git with the Wind