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grot @software:gplates:grot #Data formats #GPGIM #GPlates #GROT #Rotation data
19 Hits, Last modified:
t metadata, such as information on the Geological Time Scale used for rotations. The file header contains glob... urces/GPGIM/public/" </code> ===== Geological time scales ===== One of the most important piece of metadata is information about the geological time scales (GTS) used to convert relative geological ages t... OTIMESCALE'' -- Mandatory inclusion of Geological Time Scales</note> These GTS constantly evolve and a Base A
examplefiles @software:gplates:grot
13 Hits, Last modified: | U of F, Farland " # #---- GEOLOGICAL TIME SCALE INFORMATION -------------------------- # @GEOTIME... Veen, J. Thierry, and Z. Huang. A Mesozoic time scale. J. Geophys. Res., 99:2405124074, 1994. do... Pages = {24051-24074}, Title = {{A Mesozoic time scale}}, Volume = {99}, Year = {1994}, Bdsk-Ur
attributenames @software:gplates:grot
9 Hits, Last modified:
'' | Mandatory. Bibliographic data for individual time scales used. Data is split into at least 3 fields, sepa... hecks"'' | |''@GTS'' | :!: Mandatory | Geological time scale ID. Maps to first field of ''@GTS:id'' which is the unique identifier for the timescale used. | | |''@GPML:MagneticAnomalyIdentific
filebody @software:gplates:grot
4 Hits, Last modified:
ment | |''@GTS:id'' | Unique ID of the geological time scale used in identifying the magnetic anomaly picks. R... ils see Sec. FIXME. | |''@T'' | Modification date/time. Adhere to ISO standard (ie ''[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[h
fileheader @software:gplates:grot
15 Hits, Last modified:
t metadata, such as information on the Geological Time Scale used for rotations. The file header contains glob... ources/GPGIM/public/" </code> ==== Geological time scales ==== One of the most important piece of metadata is information about the geological time scales (GTS) used to convert relative geological ages t... OTIMESCALE'' -- Mandatory inclusion of Geological Time Scales</note> These GTS constantly evolve and a Base A