Fulltext results:
- 0628_graticules_for_plate_tectonic_reconstructions @tectonicwaters:2013 #Cartography #GPlates #Graticule #Map making #Plate reconstructions #Visualisation
- ed at 30 degrees) on the globe. However, in plate tectonics, if we go back in time, we require that such line
- 0217_short_course_in_basin_analysis_at_lmu @tectonicwaters:2018
- [[teaching:explorationtectonics:start|Exploration Tectonics/Basin Analysis course]] successfully took place a
- 0301_exploration_tectonics_2017 @tectonicwaters:2017
- ====== Exploration Tectonics 2017 ====== The 2017 version of the [[teaching:explorationtectonics:start|Exploration Tectonics course]] will be taught in Bochum from 07-09.Augu... er the next few weeks. {{tag> Courses Ruhr_Uni Exploration Tectonics Geodynamics}} ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~
- exploration_tectonics_course
- ====== Exploration tectonics course ====== The first installment of the new //[[teaching:explorationtectonics:start|Exploration Tectonics Course]]// did mark my transition to the summer h... Uni]] went through plate to play scale aspects of tectonics/tectonophysics and geodynamics relevant for hydro... d [[http://qgis.org|QGIS]]. Thanks to everyone who participated! {{tag> teaching exploration tectonics}}
- 0915_south_atlantic_lithosphere_thickness_paper_in_press @tectonicwaters:2022
- 10.1029/2021TC006828|is accepted and in press for Tectonics]]. Key Points: * A simple thermal LAB model fo
- 0717_iodp_expedition_388_equatorial_atlantic_gateway @tectonicwaters:2018
- derstanding of the long-term interactions between tectonics, oceanography, ocean biogeochemistry and climate,
- 0926_new_paper_on_plate_tectonics_and_ecology @tectonicwaters:2019
- ====== New paper on plate tectonics and ecology ====== Led by Giulia Donati, we have published a new paper which investigates the link between plate tectonics and habitat dynamics. The paper "A process‐based ... day geography of species traits.</blockquote> {{tag> Plate_tectonics Ecology Modelling}} ~~DISCUSSION~~
- 0527_from_the_dusty_archives @tectonicwaters:2018
- platetectonics:datatypecodes|here]] {{tag> Plate_tectonics Data Standards PLATES}} ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~
- 1020_tectonics_game @tectonicwaters:2018
- ====== Tectonics game ====== Via [[https://xkcd.com|XKCD]] {{https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/tectonics_game.png}} {{tag>Tectonics}} ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~
- gplates_coloring_features_by_absolute_age
- ) </file> {{tag> GPlates features colour "plate tectonics" pygplates Python GTS tutorial}} ~~DISCUSSION:c
- plate_tectonics_drive_tropical_reef_biodiversity
- Heine &date created = 2016-05-10 ~~ ====== Plate tectonics drive tropical reef biodiversity ====== A new pa... prieur and co-authors (including me) on how plate tectonics influences the biodiversity dynamics of tropical ... in terrestrial systems, we demonstrate that plate tectonics played a major role in driving tropical marine sh
- workflow_to_generate_paleogis_projects #PaleoGIS #Plate tectonic modelling #Software
- ODEL_SETTINGS%%'' table. {{tag> PaleoGIS software Plate_tectonics Reconstructions GIS GPlates workflow}}