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birdplateboundaries @scientificdata:platetectonics #Data #GMT #Plate boundaries
9 Hits, Last modified:
</note> Recent versions of the [[|Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)]] ''plot'' (formerly ''psxy'') offer a nice... ==== The relevant snippet [[|from the psxy man page]] f... 36 21.9509 120.452 21.6321 > BU-EU Circum Pacific Mapping Project 1986 > -Sf0.45/3p 96.4803 14.4 96.4537 ... 11 27.7024 97.3484 28.0826 > BU/IN Circum Pacific Mapping Project 1986 > -Sf0.45/3p+t+l 92.2781 6.94757 9