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- researchtools @teaching #Data science #Digital tools #Editor #LaTeX #Research #Revisioning #versioning
- ://|TeXStudio]] ==== Reference management ==== * [[|BibTeX]] and ... * [[|The Fossil Source Code management software]]: this is a very lightweight but powerf...|GIT]], * Webservices around version management tools * [[|SourceHut]] p... DevonAgent]] There are of course more "Knowledge management tools" around, this is based on personal preferen
- bibliographytools @computing #BibDesk #BibLaTeX #BibTeX #Bibliographies #DOI #JabRef #LaTeX #Reference Management #Software #Workflows
- ====== Bibliography tools ====== Reference management is usually underrated but doing it properly is a massiv... g it since it first appeared as my main reference management tool. It is a very robust program that plays well
- windows @computing #CLI #Environment_variable #Microsoft #OS #Outlook #Software #Windows10 #Windows7 #Windoze
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