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unixtools @computing #ImageMagick #TipsAndTricks #WSL #awk #bash #git #magick #unison
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====== Tips and tricks *Nix ====== A collection of quick-and-dirty tricks to do things with the sta
0322_git_on_windows_subsystem_for_linux @tectonicwaters:2021 #WSL #git
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====== Git on Windows subsystem for linux ====== Added a section on my [[computing:unixtools|Tips a
0909_compiling_pygplates_on_wsl_debian @tectonicwaters:2021 #Compilation #Debian #GPlates #Qt5 #WSL #Windows #pyGPlates
1 Hits, Last modified:
====== Compiling pygplates on WSL Debian ====== I ran into a strange set of issues when trying to c