Fulltext results:
- paleogis @computing #ArcGIS #Data formats #GIS #GPlates #PaleoGIS #PlateModelling #Workflows
- 46-m2m1cx|here]] and describes the steps to get a model set up. ===== Setting up a clean database ===== Building a PaleoGIS model without a PaleoGIS license, access to MS Access a... he most robust way to generate a working PaleoGIS model without actually having access to PaleoGIS. It leaves the last step of model building (importing the rotation file) to the Pal
- workflow_to_generate_paleogis_projects @tectonicwaters #PaleoGIS #Plate tectonic modelling #Software
- 46-m2m1cx|here]] and describes the steps to get a model set up. ===== Setting up a clean database ===== Building a PaleoGIS model without a PaleoGIS license, access to MS Access a... he most robust way to generate a working PaleoGIS model without actually having access to PaleoGIS. It leaves the last step of model building (importing the rotation file) to the Pal
- grot @computing:gplates:grot #Data formats #GPGIM #GPlates #GROT #Rotation data
- == GPlates and the GPlate Geological Information Model (GPGIM) and the GPlates markup language (GPML) ha... e tectonic data. Whereas the feature-centric data model has been vastly improved, the way the rotation model data is handled has not changed since the early day... n of rotation uncertainty estimates. I propose to model this new standard on the currently implemented GM
- filebody @computing:gplates:grot
- -2.660 901 @PP"PHS-PAC" @REF"Wessel.JGR.08" @C"Model WK08-A" @GTS"GeeK07" 002 5.890 59.6500 -... -5.390 901 @PP"PHS-PAC" @REF"Wessel.JGR.08" @C"Model WK08-A" @GTS"GeeK07" 002 8.860 62.8700 -... -8.230 901 @PP"PHS-PAC" @REF"Wessel.JGR.08" @C"Model WK08-A" @GTS"GeeK07" 002 12.290 65.3700 -... -10.300 901 @PP"PHS-PAC" @REF"Wessel.JGR.08" @C"Model WK08-A" @GTS"GeeK07" 002 17.470 68.2500 -
- 0915_south_atlantic_lithosphere_thickness_paper_in_press @tectonicwaters:2022
- ectonics]]. Key Points: * A simple thermal LAB model for the South Atlantic passive margins has been developed * The LAB model shows distinct variations along the margins that ... thermal lithosphere-asthenosphere-boundary (LAB) model based on onset and cessation of rifting, crustal ... state-of-the-art data sets, giving a thermal LAB model that is especially designed for the continental m
- oceanic_transform_fault_paper @tectonicwaters #Gravity #Magnetics #Oceanic crust #Oceanic transform faults #Sao Tome and Principe #paper
- are used as geometrical boundaries of the crustal model. First, we perform a lateral parameter inversion ... d lower crustal domains to define a consistent 3D model of the study area that aligns with the seismic st... the simple inversion of the first step. The final model shows anomalous low susceptibility and medium to ... ccompanied by a change of metamorphic facies. Our model indicates enhanced tectonic activity with an exte
- 0120_experiences_with_the_egu_open_access_publication_solid_earth @tectonicwaters:2013 #EGU #Open access #Peer review #Publishing #Transparency
- 1/111/2012/gi-1-111-2012.html|GPlates Information Model and Markup language]] in [[http://www.geoscientif... d rifts and constructed a revised plate kinematic model for the pre-breakup evolution of the South Atlant... the conjugate West African-Brazilian margins. Our model suggests a causal link between changes in extensi... tic Pre-salt sag basin and the São Paulo High. We model an initial E–W directed extension between South A
- plate_tectonics_drive_tropical_reef_biodiversity @tectonicwaters
- 21|Heine et al paper]]) have were used as base to model paleo-bathymetry and time-dependent spatial diver... own. Here, we show that a spatial diversification model constrained by absolute plate motions for the pas... tralian Archipelago in the Miocene. A mechanistic model based only on habitat-driven diversification and
- sierradetecka @fieldwork:sierradetecka #Argentina #Jurassic #Paleozoic #Patagonia #Sierra de Tecka #fieldwork #laccolith #mapping
- ana with a shallow easterly dipping slab fits the model of a broad magmatic arc and backarc deformation i... on and partial crustal melting in Patagonia. This model is also part of the plate tectonic reconstruction... by Lawver et al. (1999) (Fig. 7). An alternative model is presented by Martinez (2000) who considers the
- 0213_new_paper_out_-_crustal_structure_of_the_andean_foreland_in_northern_argentina_results_from_data-integrative_three-dimensional_density_modeling @tectonicwaters:2018
- ophysical data to obtain a structural and density model of the uppermost 200 km of the Earth. The derived model is consistent with the observed Bouguer gravity f... alysis of the input parameters indicates that the model results are robust with respect to the given unce
- examplefiles @computing:gplates:grot
- - 200 Ma. 250 Ma is the extent of this rotation model. Pacific absolute reference frame based on Wessel... @REF"Wessel.JGR.08" @DOI"10.1029/2007JB005499" @C"Model WK08-A" @GTS"GeeK07" 002 0.000 0.0000 0.... = {{Global Plate Motions Frames: Toward a unified model}}, Volume = {46}, Year = {2008}, Bdsk-Ur
- fileheader @computing:gplates:grot
- - 200 Ma. 250 Ma is the extent of this rotation model. Pacific absolute reference frame based on We... . al. 2006 at 118.4 Ma Reference for rotation model: Seton et. al. (submitted to ESR)""" </code> ===... bTeX format as well as to the GPlates Information Model (GPGIM) website and a base URL for the [[https://
- birdplateboundaries @scientificdata:platetectonics #Data #GMT #Plate boundaries
- ------------------- # # Peter Bird plate boundary model 2002 # Source http://peterbird.name/oldFTP/PB2002... of the data: # Bird, P. (2003) An updated digital model of plate boundaries, # Geochemistry Geophysics G
- 1113_working_with_plate_velocities_in_gplates @tectonicwaters:2013 #Data #GPGIM #GPlates #Plate reconstructions #Plate velocities #The need for speed
- '' features in the GPlates Geological Information Model.{{ :tectonicwaters:2013:gplates13_generatevelocit... lygon feature collection and of course a rotation model loaded. The next steps will illustrate why. - O
- 0926_new_paper_on_plate_tectonics_and_ecology @tectonicwaters:2019
- and habitat dynamics. The paper "A process‐based model supports an association between dispersal and the... pecies dispersal potential. Using a process‐based model of diversification constrained by a dispersal par
- computing @computing #GPGIM #GPlates #PaleoGIS #Petrel #Python #Software #applications #formats #windoze
- 0719_shapefile_of_reconstructable_graticule_lines @tectonicwaters:2013 #GPlates #Graticule #Plate reconstructions #Visualisation
- 0113_why_there_is_no_saharan_atlantic_ocean @tectonicwaters:2014 #Africa #Continental breakup #Cretaceous #Mesozoic #Numerical model #Plate reconstructions #Publishing #Rifting #South America #South Atlantic