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- wolfecreek @fieldwork:2004:wolfecreek #Australia #Field work #Geophysics #Meteorite #Western Australia #impact crater
- ====== Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater - Geophysical Survey ====== O'Neill, C. and Heine, C., 2005, Reconstr... lfe Creek meteorite impact: Deep structure of the crater and effects on target rock, Australian Journal of... olfe_Creek_meteorite_impact_Deep_structure_of_the_crater_and_effects_on_target_rock|Article on ResearchGat... Abstract: <blockquote>The Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater is an impact structure 880 m in diameter, located
- wolfecreek @fieldwork:2004
- ====== Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater - Geophysical Survey ====== <olmap id="olMap" width="600px" height="4... "landscape" summary="Wolfe Creek Meteorite Impact Crater geophysical survey 2003"> -19.17181,129.79545,60,.8,marker-green.png, Wolfe Creek Meterorite Crater </olmap> ===== Photos ===== {{wolfecreek2003_... jpg |Panorama of the Wolfe Creek Meteorite Impact crater with a view to the SE}} ===== Publications ====
- fieldwork @fieldwork #Field prac #Fieldwork #geology #geophysics #mapping #survey
- 004:wolfecreek:start|Wolfe Creek Meteorite Impact Crater, geophysical survey]] (with Craig O'Neill) * 19
- datatypecodes @scientificdata:platetectonics
- lf MA Magnetic Anomaly (general) MC Meteor Crater NF Normal Fault OC Outcrop OP Ophiol