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- researchtools @teaching #Data science #Digital tools #Editor #LaTeX #Research #Revisioning #versioning
- ====== Tools for science and research ====== A science project -- whether a simple seminar task, M.Sc. or Ph.D. thesis -- requires...|Generic Mapping Tools]] ==== Data science ==== A bit of a crossover, but the Python ecosys... c]] ===== Revisioning ===== When undertaking a science study, it is recommendable to set up a [[https://
- 0304_the_saharan_atlantic_ocean_makes_ripples_edited @tectonicwaters:2014 #Africa #Numerical model #Plate reconstructions #Plate tectonics #Pop sci #Publishing #Science communication #South America
- 2,3,4,5 ===== So by now, there's been quite some science (and popular) media buzz with both [[https://sydn... t of plates]] (interesting comments on that one - science communication) * SpiegelOnline: [[http://www.sp... f How Earth would have looked...]] * Journal de science (French): Tectonique des plaques : [[
- examplefiles @computing:gplates:grot
- 7}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {}} @article{... l.2008.07.036}, Journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, Month = {10}, Number = {3--4}, ... 8}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {}} @article{Tor... Isbn = {0-444-82649-1}, Publisher = {Elsevier Science}, Series = {Sedimentary Basins of the World},
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- i ===== * [[start|TectonicWaters blog]] * [[science:start|Science projects]] * [[scientificdata:start|Data]] * [[computing:start|Computing]] * [[teachin
- reservoirs @teaching
- * Jon Gluyas and Richard Swarbrick. Petroleum Geoscience. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 2nd edition, 2... 4. URL [[]] * Amy I’Anson, Ian Deighton,
- pg9 @computing:postgresql
- [[|''homebrew-science'' repository]] contains some of the key components I need for my work: <code
- python @computing
-|Max Masnick's Dat science Python snippets]] * [[
- teaching @teaching #Advice #Courses #Teaching
- GEOS3104/3804 Geophysical Methods]], School of Geoscience, The University of Sydney (2010-2013) {{tag> tea
- sierradetecka @fieldwork:sierradetecka #Argentina #Jurassic #Paleozoic #Patagonia #Sierra de Tecka #fieldwork #laccolith #mapping
- odo>Download:</todo> [[|On the palaeogeograp
- geos3104 @teaching:geos3104 #Australia #Course #GEOS3104 #Geophysics #Teaching #USYD
- n GEOS3104/3804(adv)]] * [[|School
- 0605_national_geographic_front_page @tectonicwaters:2003 #Argoland #DE #Indian Ocean #Plate reconstructions #PlateTectonics #Science communication #Tethys
- /public/RUBIN_beitrag8.pdf|Ruhr-University junior science magazine]]. The Internet Wayback archive at [[htt
- 0120_experiences_with_the_egu_open_access_publication_solid_earth @tectonicwaters:2013 #EGU #Open access #Peer review #Publishing #Transparency
- very promising step forward for peer-reviewed geoscience. Here's the abstract of the South Atlantic paper
- 0520_the_grot_-_a_new_rotation_file_format_for_gplates @tectonicwaters:2013 #FileFormat #GPGIM #GPML #GPlates #GROT #Metadata #Rotations
- Agile recently commented on "[[|
- 0628_graticules_for_plate_tectonic_reconstructions @tectonicwaters:2013 #Cartography #GPlates #Graticule #Map making #Plate reconstructions #Visualisation
- a such a marker, but [[|as sealevel has varied extensively over t
- 1017_rifts_iii_-_catching_the_wave @tectonicwaters:2015 #Basin evolution #Conference #Lithosphere extension #Passive margin formation #Rifting #Rifts #geologicalsocietylondon
- array of speakers who are at the forefront of the science and exploration of rifted basins and passive marg