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bibliographytools @computing #BibDesk #BibLaTeX #BibTeX #Bibliographies #DOI #JabRef #LaTeX #Reference Management #Software #Workflows
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====== Bibliography tools ====== Reference management is usually underrated but doing it properly i
petrel @computing #How-To #Petrel #Software
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====== Petrel ====== Some basic notes on Petrel usage. * Newly imported items always go to the b
pg12 @computing:postgresql #How-To #Installation #MacOS #PostGIS #PostgreSQL #Software #Unix
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====== PostgreSQL & PostGIS ====== Installing/upgrading to [[|PostgreSQL]
computing @computing #GPGIM #GPlates #PaleoGIS #Petrel #Python #Software #applications #formats #windoze
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===== Computing ===== ==== Hardware/Networking ==== * [[.:raspberrypi|Raspberry Pi/PiHole]]
windows @computing #CLI #Environment_variable #Microsoft #OS #Outlook #Software #Windows10 #Windows7 #Windoze
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====== Windows tips and tricks ====== * For a list of system variables, such as $HOME etc. see th
0306_oblique_annotations_in_gmt6_s_colorbar @tectonicwaters:2021 #GMT #Generic Mapping Tools #Map making #Software
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====== Oblique annotations in GMT6's colorbar ====== Since this week, the [[https://generic-mapping
0830_moving_to_sourcehut @tectonicwaters:2021 #Code #DVCS #FOSS #GIT #Repository #Revisioning #Software #Webservice
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====== and Sourcehut ====== I am slowly moving my BitBucket and GitHub repo
workflow_to_generate_paleogis_projects @tectonicwaters #PaleoGIS #Plate tectonic modelling #Software
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~~META: creator = Christian Heine &date created = 2016-11-26 ~~ ====== Workflow to generate P