meta data for this page

Rotation file example

# CHRONID --> GPML:MagneticAnomalyIdentification:polarityChronID
# AU  --> DC:contributor:id (Author)
# REF --> BIBINFO:bibliographyfile:citekey (Reference)
# DOI --> BIBINFO:doibase:doi
# ----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------
#           | separating them with a | (vertical bar). Values can be enclosed in
#           | single quotes.
#           | PLEASE CONSULT for valid attributes
# ----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------
# C         | Comment
# DC:subattr| DublinCore document description metadata (see documentation)
# GPML      | GPlates Markup Language Schema (can use GPML:FeatureType as subset)
# MPRS:pid  | Denotes Moving Plate ID
# MPRS:name | Moving plate full name
# MPRS:code | Moving plate letter code, usually 3-4 capital letters
# PP        | Plate pair with Plates denoted as letter acronyms separated by minus sign (-)
# T         | Modification date/time in YYYY-MM-DD [TZ HH:MM:SS]
# ---- FILE METADATA ----------------------------------------------------
@DC:title"GPlates rotation file NEW ROTATION FORMAT SAMPLE FILE"
@DC:creator:name"Odd Name"
@DC:creator:affiliation"The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia"
@DC:rights:license"Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)"
@DC:date:created"2/06/11 4:08:05 PM"
@DC:date:modified"$Date: 2012-05-11 17:11:36 +1000 (Fri, 11 May 2012) $"
@DC:coverage:temporal"0-600 Ma"
@DC:bibliographicCitation"""Chin, Mueller, Cannon, Landgrebe, Heine,
                      Watson, Turner (2012) The GPGIM vol:pp-pp,
                      J. Digitial Earth. doi:xxxxxxxxx """
@DC:description"""A sample rotation file in the new GPlates rotation file format v1.1. 
Taken from the current GPlates release rot file
Based on moving Indian/Atlantic hotspots (O'Neill et. al. 2005)
to 100 Ma and true polar wander corrected palaeomagnetic
reference frame (derived from Steinberger and Torsvik 2008)
from 100 - 200 Ma.  250 Ma is the extent of this rotation model.
Pacific absolute reference frame based on Wessell and Kroenke 2008
with a switch to Wessel et. al. 2006 at 118.4 Ma"""
# ---- REVISION HISTORY INFORMATION ------------------------------------------
@REVISIONHIST"$Id: rotationfile_1-0.grot 1790 2012-05-11 07:11:36Z christian $"
# ----- AUTHOR INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------
@DC:contributor"FB   | Foo Bar |  |  | U of B, Booland"
@DC:contributor"FaBo | Far Boo |  |  | U of F, Farland "
#---- GEOLOGICAL TIME SCALE INFORMATION --------------------------
@GEOTIMESCALE"""GeeK07|10.1016/B978-044452748-6.00097-3| Gee, J.S. and Kent, D.V. (2012) 5.12 - Source of Oceanic Magnetic
       Anomalies and the Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale, in: Treatise on
       Geophysics, Volume 5, Pages 455507, Elsevier, Amsterdam"""
       doi:10.1029/94JB03098; doi:10.1029/94JB01889 |
       S. C. Cande and D. V. Kent. Revised Calbration of the geomagnetic
       polarity timescale for the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic. J. Geophys.
       Res., 100(B4):60936095, 1995;
       F. M. Gradstein, F. P. Agterberg, J. G. Ogg, J. Hardenbol, P. van Veen,
       J. Thierry, and Z. Huang. A Mesozoic time scale. J. Geophys. Res.,
       99:2405124074, 1994. doi:10.1029/94JB01889.
@GEOTIMESCALE""" Absolute| | |Absolute numerical time in Ma"""
# ---
# --- END ROTATION FILE HEADER -----------------------------------
# ---
# This comment will be ignored by GPlates
> @MPRS:pid"001" @MPRS:code"AHS" @MPRS:name"Present day Atlantic-Indian hotspots" @PP"AHS-HOT"
> @C"This comment will be read by GPlates and will appear at Moving plate rotation sequence level"
001     0.000   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  000 @C"This comment will only appear at this rotation"
001   200.000   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  000
001   600.000   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  000
> @C"Below an example of the new MOVING_PLATE_ROTATION_SEQUENCE (MPRS)"
> @C"The comment applies to the MPRS below"
# @C"This comment flags a warning and is ignored"
> @MPRS:pid"002"
> @MPRS:code"PHS"
> @MPRS:name"Pacific Hotspots"
> @PP"PHS-PAC"  @REF"Wessel.JGR.08" @DOI"10.1029/2007JB005499" @C"Model WK08-A" @GTS"GeeK07"
002     0.000   0.0000    0.000    0.000  901
002     0.780  49.3000  -49.500   -1.020  901
002     2.580  53.7200  -56.880   -2.660  901
002     5.890  59.6500  -66.050   -5.390  901
002     8.860  62.8700  -70.870   -8.230  901
002    12.290  65.3700  -68.680  -10.300  901
002    17.470  68.2500  -61.530  -15.500  901
# The foo pole by John
002    24.060  68.7800  -69.830  -20.400  901
002    28.280  67.7200  -70.800  -23.600  901
002    33.540  66.5700  -68.730  -27.700  901
002    40.100  65.4300  -64.250  -31.600  901
002    47.910  63.0200  -66.680  -34.600  901
002    53.350  60.6000  -69.670  -36.100  901
002    61.100  56.9300  -72.930  -38.400  901
002    74.500  50.0300  -78.350  -44.000  901
002    83.500  47.3000  -82.100  -48.800  901
002    95.000  46.9000  -82.680  -54.100  901
002   106.200  51.3200  -85.120  -60.100  901
002   112.300  52.1700  -85.800  -62.400  901
002   118.400  52.5300  -80.330  -66.500  901
002   125.000  54.1300  -88.180  -69.600  901
002   131.900  56.2200 -112.250  -78.600  901
002   144.000  54.4300 -123.570  -84.400  901
> @MPRS:pid"003"  @MPRS:code"PPH" @MPRS:name"Present day Pacific hotspots"
003     0.000   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  000
003   600.000   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  000
> @MPRS:pid"101" @MPRS:code"NAM" @MPRS:name"North America"
> @PP"NAM-NWA" @REF"Mueller.99" @CHRONID"An5" @GTS"GEEK07"
101     0.000   0.0000    0.0000    0.000  714
101    10.900  81.0000   22.9000    2.840  714 @CHRONID"C5" @GTS"GEEK07"
101    20.100  80.6000   24.5000    5.530  714 @CHRONID"C6"
101    33.100  75.9900    5.9800    9.770  714 @CHRONID"C13"
101    40.100  74.5000   -1.2000   12.600  714 @CHRONID"C18"
101    47.900  74.9000   -4.6000   15.610  714 @CHRONID"C21"
101    55.900  80.6400    6.5700   17.900  714 @CHRONID"C25"
101    67.700  82.3000   -1.7000   21.510  714 @CHRONID"C30"
101    83.500  76.8100  -20.5900   29.510  714
101   120.400  66.2800  -19.8200   54.440  714 @REF"Mueller.97" @DOI"10.1029/96JB01781"
101   126.700  66.1100  -18.9500   56.480  714 @REF"Mueller.97" @DOI"10.1029/96JB01781"
101   131.900  65.9500  -18.5000   57.450  714 @REF"Mueller.97" @DOI"10.1029/96JB01781"
101   139.600  66.1200  -18.3800   59.900  714 @REF"Mueller.97" @DOI"10.1029/96JB01781"
101   147.700  66.5400  -17.9800   62.080  714 @REF"Mueller.97" @DOI"10.1029/96JB01781"
101   154.300  67.1500  -15.9800   64.750  714 @REF"Mueller.97" @DOI"10.1029/96JB01781"
101   170.000  67.0900  -13.8600   70.550  714 @REF"Labails.EPSL.10" @DOI"10.1016/j.epsl.2010.06.024" @C"BSMA"
101   190.000  64.3100  -15.1900   77.090  714 @REF"Labails.EPSL.10" @DOI"10.1016/j.epsl.2010.06.024" @C"min closure"
101   203.000  64.2800  -14.7400   78.050  714 @REF"Labails.EPSL.10" @DOI"10.1016/j.epsl.2010.06.024" @C"min closure"
101   215.000  67.0000  -12.0000   79.000  714 @REF"Torsvik.Tectp.02" @DOI"10.1016/S1874-5997(99)80036-7" @C"Torsvik 2002"
101   320.000  67.0000  -12.0000   79.000  714 @REF"Torsvik.Tectp.02" @DOI"10.1016/S1874-5997(99)80036-7" @C"Torsvik 2002"
101   600.000  67.0000  -12.0000   79.000  714 @REF"Torsvik.Tectp.02" @DOI"10.1016/S1874-5997(99)80036-7" @C"Torsvik 2002"
> @MPRS:pid"102" @MPRS:code"GRN" @MPRS:name"Greenland"
> @PP"GRN-NAM" @C"""this
102     0.000   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  101
102    33.100   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  101 @REF"Gaina.EPSL.02" @DOI"10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00499-5" @CHRONID"C13 Derived"
102    40.100  62.4600  -28.0200   -1.2500  101 @REF"Gaina.EPSL.02" @DOI"10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00499-5" @CHRONID"C13 Derived"
102    43.800  63.2500  -79.5800   -1.8100  101 @REF"Gaina.EPSL.02" @DOI"10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00499-5" @CHRONID"C20 Derived"
102    47.900  60.6600  -97.2600   -2.8100  101 @REF"Gaina.EPSL.02" @DOI"10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00499-5" @CHRONID"C21 Derived"
102    49.700  61.5800  -97.0900   -3.3300  101 @REF"Gaina.EPSL.02" @DOI"10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00499-5" @CHRONID"C21 Derived"
102    53.300  39.6800 -116.1600   -3.7400  101 @REF"Gaina.EPSL.02" @DOI"10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00499-5" @CHRONID"C24 Derived"
102    55.900  19.2800 -136.1900   -3.1600  101 @REF"Gaina.EPSL.02" @DOI"10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00499-5" @CHRONID"C25 Derived"
102    68.700  41.1900 -169.5800   -5.7100  101 @REF"Gaina.EPSL.02" @DOI"10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00499-5" @CHRONID"C31 Derived"
102    79.100  61.3800 -157.7000   -8.4300  101 @REF"Gaina.EPSL.02" @DOI"10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00499-5" @CHRONID"C33o Derived"
102    83.500  65.3000 -122.4500  -11.0000  101 @REF"Roest.G.89" @DOI"10.1130/0091-7613(1989)017<1000:SFSITL>2.3.CO;2" @GTS"CK95G94" @CHRONID"C34"
102    92.000  66.6000 -119.4800  -12.2000  101 @REF"Roest.G.89" @DOI"10.1130/0091-7613(1989)017<1000:SFSITL>2.3.CO;2" @C"Start of seafloor spreading"
102   125.000  67.5000 -118.4800  -14.0000  101 @PP"GRN-NWA" @REF"Torsvik.RG.10" @DOI"10.1029/2007RG000227" @C"FITRECON"
102   600.000  67.5000 -118.4800  -14.0000  101 @PP"GRN-NWA" @REF"Torsvik.RG.10" @DOI"10.1029/2007RG000227"
> @MPRS:pid"103" @MPRS:code"NSL" @MPRS:name"North Slope Alaska"  PICT PICT
103     0.000   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  101 ! @PP"NSL-NAM"
103   126.000   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  101 ! @PP"NSL-NAM"
103   132.000  60.0000 -126.0000   -3.0000  101 ! @PP"NSL-NAM" @REF"Alvey.EPSL.08" @DOI"10.1016/j.epsl.2008.07.036" @C"Derived"
103   136.500  60.0000 -126.0000   -6.5000  101 ! @PP"NSL-NAM" @REF"Alvey.EPSL.08" @DOI"10.1016/j.epsl.2008.07.036" @C"Derived"
103   139.600  60.0000 -126.0000  -10.0000  101 ! @PP"NSL-NAM" @REF"Alvey.EPSL.08" @DOI"10.1016/j.epsl.2008.07.036" @C"Derived"
103   142.500  65.0000 -130.2000  -30.0000  101 ! @PP"NSL-NAM" @AU"CG" @T"2008-06-xx" @C"FITRECON | Derived"
103   145.000  65.0000 -130.2000  -34.0000  101 ! @PP"NSL-NAM" @REF"Lawver.90"
103   600.000  65.0000 -130.2000  -34.0000  101 ! @PP"NSL-NAM" @REF"Lawver.90" @C"FITRECON"
> @MPRS:pid"201" @MPRS:code"SAM" @MPRS:name"South America"
> @PP"SAM-AFR" @REF"Mueller.99"  @DOI"10.1016/S1874-5997(99)80036-7"
201     0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      701
201    10.9     61.2    -39.7      3.68     701  @CHRONID"C5"
201    20.1     58.5    -37.1      7.52     701  @CHRONID"C6"
201    33.1     56.17   -33.64     13.41    701  @CHRONID"C13"
#201    40.1     57.1    -32.5      16.6     701 @CHRONID"C18"
201    47.9     57.5    -31.2      19.7     701  @CHRONID"C21"
201    55.9     61.35   -32.21     22.27    701  @CHRONID"C25"
201    67.7     63.7    -33.5      25.39    701  @CHRONID"C30"
# Another example for comment data BEFORE the actual rotation line
# @PP"SAM-AFR" @REF"Mueller.99"  @DOI"10.1016/S1874-5997(99)80036-7"
# @CHRONID"An34"
# @HELL:r"41.1911338" @HELL:Ns"75,16" @HELL:dF"40." @HELL:kappahat"0.971082763"
# @HELL:matrix"((8.71113084E-07,-4.33230877E-07,-4.97091355E-07)(4.01436998E-07,3.23033819E-07)(3.6493551E-07))"
201    83.500  61.8800  -34.2600   33.5100  701
# If you want you can put each comment for a following
# rotation on a single line.
# @REF"Torsvik.GJI.09"
# @DOI"10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04137.x"
# @C"Forced break North of PEFZ/FFZ"
201   112.000  52.4000  -35.0000   51.3000  701
201   120.400  51.6000  -35.0000   52.9200  701 @PP"SAM-AFR" @REF"Nuernberg.Tectp.91" @DOI"10.1016/0040-1951(91)90231-G"
201   126.700  50.4000  -33.5000   54.4200  701 @PP"SAM-AFR" @REF"Nuernberg.Tectp.91" @DOI"10.1016/0040-1951(91)90231-G"
201   131.700  50.0000  -32.5000   55.0800  701 @PP"SAM-AFR" @REF"Nuernberg.Tectp.91" @DOI"10.1016/0040-1951(91)90231-G" @FITRECON
201   600.000  50.0000  -32.5000   55.5200  701 @PP"SAM-AFR" @REF"Nuernberg.Tectp.91" @DOI"10.1016/0040-1951(91)90231-G"
> @MPRS:pid"203" @MPRS:code"PAT" @MPRS:name"Patagonia"
> @REF"Torsvik.GJI.09" @DOI"10.1016/0040-1951(91)90231-G"
203     0.000   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  201 @PP"PAT-SAM"
203   126.700   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  201 @PP"PAT-SAM" @C"adjusted timescale"
203   126.700  50.4000  -33.5000   54.4200  701 @PP"PAT-AFR" @C"adjusted timescale"
203   131.700  47.5000  -33.3000   57.0000  701 @PP"PAT-AFR"
203   150.000  47.5000  -33.3000   58.0000  701 @PP"PAT-AFR" @REF"Torsvik.RG.08" @DOI"10.1029/2007RG000227"
203   160.000  47.5000  -33.3000   58.0000  701 @PP"PAT-AFR" @REF"Torsvik.RG.08" @DOI"10.1029/2007RG000227"
203   190.000  47.5000  -33.3000   63.0000  701 @PP"PAT-AFR" @REF"Torsvik.RG.08" @DOI"10.1029/2007RG000227"
203   600.000  47.5000  -33.3000   63.0000  701 @PP"PAT-AFR" @REF"Torsvik.RG.08" @DOI"10.1029/2007RG000227"
> @MPRS:pid"833" @MPRS:code"LHR" @MPRS:name"Lord Howe Rise"
> @REF"Gaina.JGR.98" @DOI"10.1029/98JB00386"
833     0.000   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  801 @PP"LHR-AUS"
833    52.0     0.0000    0.0000   0.0000  801  @PP"LHR-AUS"
833    53.300 -14.1900  130.4100   -0.7200  801 @PP"LHR-AUS"
833    55.800 -15.9300  133.4700   -2.1100  801 @PP"LHR-AUS"
833    57.900 -16.9300  136.2300   -3.7900  801 @PP"LHR-AUS"
833    61.200  -4.6500  131.5100   -4.4300  801 @PP"LHR-AUS"
833    62.500  -4.7100  132.6800   -5.1700  801 @PP"LHR-AUS"
833    64.000  -0.1900  130.3700   -5.4600  801 @PP"LHR-AUS"
833    65.600  -3.9900  131.8000   -6.7300  801 @PP"LHR-AUS"
833    67.700  -9.0400  134.4600   -8.8300  801 @PP"LHR-AUS"
833    71.100 -14.7200  139.0400  -13.0800  801 @PP"LHR-AUS"
833    73.600  -9.5300  137.2000  -12.9400  801 @PP"LHR-AUS"
# 833    79.000   0.3700  133.8200  -13.0000  801 @PP"LHR-AUS" @C"eliminated"
833    86.000   4.0600  -42.3500   15.5100  801 @PP"LHR-AUS"
833    90.000   3.2700  -42.5900   18.3400  801 @PP"CLHR/AUS"
833    99.000   3.2700  -42.5900   18.3400  801 @PP"CLHR/AUS" @REF"Mueller.G3.08"
833   600.000   3.2700  -42.5900   18.3400  801 @PP"CLHR/AUS" @REF"Mueller.G3.08" 
# @BIBINFO:references 
# @REF Mueller.99            @DOI 10.1016/S1874-5997(99)80036-7
# @REF Shephard_++_2013      @DOI 10.1016/j.earscirev.2013.05.012    
# @REF Gaina_++_2002         @DOI 10.1016/j.gsf.2014.01.002          
# @REF Lawver_++_1990        @DOI 10.1016/j.gsf.2014.01.002

Rotation file bibliography data

This part is not yet fully implemented.
  %% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk.
  %% Created at 2012-05-11 15:52:33 +1000
  %% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8)
   Address = {Amsterdam},
   Author = {Gee, J. S. and Kent, D. V.},
   Booktitle = {{Treatise on Geophysics}},
   Chapter = {12},
   Date-Added = {2012-05-11 15:52:28 +1000},
   Date-Modified = {2012-05-11 15:52:28 +1000},
   Doi = {10.1016/B978-044452748-6.00097-3},
   Editor = {Kono, M.},
   Isbn = {978-0-444-52748-6},
   Pages = {455--507},
   Publisher = {Elsevier},
   Title = {{Source of Oceanic Magnetic Anomalies and the Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale}},
   Volume = {5},
   Year = {2007},
   Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
   Author = {Gradstein, F. M. and Agterberg, F. P. and Ogg, J. G. and Hardenbol, J. and van Veen, P. and Thierry, J. and Huang, Z.},
   Date-Added = {2012-05-11 15:49:32 +1000},
   Date-Modified = {2012-05-11 15:49:32 +1000},
   Doi = {10.1029/94JB01889},
   Journal = {J. Geophys. Res.},
   Pages = {24051-24074},
   Title = {{A Mesozoic time scale}},
   Volume = {99},
   Year = {1994},
   Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
   Author = {Lawver, L. A. and M{\"u}ller, R. Dietmar and Srivastava, S. P. and Roest, Walter R.},
   Booktitle = {{Geological History of the Polar Oceans: Arctic Versus Antarctic}},
   Date-Added = {2012-01-18 23:20:23 +1100},
   Date-Modified = {2012-01-18 23:20:23 +1100},
   Editor = {Bleil, Ulrich and Thiede, J{\o}rn},
   Pages = {29--62},
   Title = {{The opening of the Arctic Ocean}},
   Year = {1990}}
   Author = {Torsvik, Trond H. and Rousse, Sonia and Labails, Cinthia and Smethurst, Mark A.},
   Date-Added = {2012-01-18 23:06:13 +1100},
   Date-Modified = {2012-01-18 23:06:13 +1100},
   Doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04137.x},
   Journal = {Geophysical Journal International},
   Number = {3},
   Pages = {1315--1333},
   Project = {[P] South Atlantic Plate kinematics},
   Title = {{A new scheme for the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean and the dissection of an Aptian salt basin}},
   Volume = {177},
   Year = {2009},
   Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
   Author = {Alvey, A. and Gaina, C. and Kusznir, N. J. and Torsvik, T. H.},
   Date-Added = {2012-01-18 15:59:18 +1100},
   Date-Modified = {2012-01-18 15:59:18 +1100},
   Doi = {10.1016/j.epsl.2008.07.036},
   Journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
   Month = {10},
   Number = {3--4},
   Pages = {310--321},
   Title = {{Integrated crustal thickness mapping and plate reconstructions for the high Arctic}},
   Volume = {274},
   Year = {2008},
   Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
   Author = {Torsvik, Trond H. and M{\"u}ller, R. Dietmar and Van der Voo, Rob and Steinberger, Bernhard and Gaina, Carmen},
   Date-Added = {2012-01-18 15:56:46 +1100},
   Date-Modified = {2012-01-18 15:56:46 +1100},
   Doi = {10.1029/2007RG000227},
   Journal = {Rev. Geophys.},
   Pages = {RG3004},
   Read = {Yes},
   Title = {{Global Plate Motions Frames: Toward a unified model}},
   Volume = {46},
   Year = {2008},
   Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
  @article{Roest.G.89,  PICT PICT
   Author = {Roest, W. R. and Srivastava, S. P.},
   Date-Added = {2012-01-18 15:53:38 +1100},
   Date-Modified = {2012-01-18 15:53:38 +1100},
   Doi = {10.1130/0091-7613(1989)017<1000:SFSITL>2.3.CO;2},
   Journal = {Geology},
   Number = {11},
   Pages = {1000--1003},
   Title = {{Sea-floor spreading in the Labrador Sea: A new reconstruction}},
   Url = {},
   Volume = {17},
   Year = {1989},
   Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
   Author = {M{\"u}ller, R. Dietmar and Roest, Walter R. and Royer, Jean-Yves and Gahagan, Lisa M. and Sclater, John G.},
   Date-Added = {2012-01-18 15:37:35 +1100},
   Date-Modified = {2012-01-18 15:37:35 +1100},
   Doi = {10.1029/96JB01781},
   Journal = {J. Geophys. Res.},
   Number = {B2},
   Pages = {3211-3214},
   Title = {{Digital isochrons of the world's ocean floor}},
   Volume = {102},
   Year = {1997},
   Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
   Address = {Amsterdam},
   Author = {M{\"u}ller, R. Dietmar and Cande, Steven C. and Royer, Jean-Yves and Roest, Walter R. and Maschenkov, S.},
   Booktitle = {Caribbean Basins},
   Chapter = {2},
   Date-Added = {2012-01-18 15:20:42 +1100},
   Date-Modified = {2012-01-18 15:20:42 +1100},
   Doi = {10.1016/S1874-5997(99)80036-7},
   Editor = {Mann, Paul},
   Isbn = {0-444-82649-1},
   Publisher = {Elsevier Science},
   Series = {Sedimentary Basins of the World},
   Title = {{New constraints on the Late Cretaceous/Tertiary plate tectonic evolution of the Caribbean}},
   Volume = {4},
   Year = {1999},
   Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
   Author = {Lee, T.-Y. and Lawver, L. A.},
   Date-Added = {2011-09-20 13:15:54 +1000},
   Date-Modified = {2011-09-20 13:16:33 +1000},
   Hardcopy = {Yes},
   Journal = {Tectonophysics},
   Pages = {85-138},
   Title = {{Cenozoic plate reconstructions of Southeast Asia}},
   Volume = {251},
   Year = {1995}
   Author = {Wessel, Paul and Kroenke, Loren W.},
   Date-Added = {2011-09-20 13:15:32 +1000},
   Date-Modified = {2011-09-20 13:16:25 +1000},
   Doi = {10.1029/2007JB005499},
   Journal = {J. Geophys. Res.},
   Number = {B6},
   Pages = {B06101},
   Title = {Pacific absolute plate motion since 145 Ma: An assessment of the fixed hot spot hypothesis},
   Volume = {113},
   Year = {2008}, 
   Bdsk-Url-1 = {}