Fulltext results:
- 1104_the_world_in_geological_colors @tectonicwaters:2013 #Chronostratigraphy #GMT #GPlates #GeoHacks #Geological Time Scale #Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale #Visualisation
- aters:2013:gplates_worldingts2012colors_eras.png |Coloring the polygons by era in GTS2012 colors.}} And the last is a bit Bauhaus-y by coloring everything in black and white according to the Ge
- gplates_coloring_features_by_absolute_age
- ====== GPlates: Coloring features by absolute age using the Geological Time Scale colours ====== {{ :tecton
- 0520_the_grot_-_a_new_rotation_file_format_for_gplates @tectonicwaters:2013 #FileFormat #GPGIM #GPML #GPlates #GROT #Metadata #Rotations
- how this looks like in a text editor with syntax coloring (using TextMate and my [[https://bitbucket.org/ch