Fulltext results:
- sierradetecka @fieldwork:sierradetecka #Argentina #Jurassic #Paleozoic #Patagonia #Sierra de Tecka #fieldwork #laccolith #mapping
- rra de Tecka/Tepuel ====== If you use any of the work presented on these pages, please cite the work as: <blockquote>Heine, Christian (2001), Geological Map... Argentina. Diplom-Kartierung (M.Sc. mapping fieldwork), Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysi... rgentina}}, type = {{Diplomkartierung/M.Sc. Fieldwork}}, year = {2001}} </file> <note warning>Please
- pg12 @software:postgresql #How-To #Installation #MacOS #PostGIS #PostgreSQL #Software #Unix
- tallation is that I want to utilise the GDAL framework utilised by QGIS and GMT. This setup naturally co... up to install GDAL as part of the dependency framework when installing postgis. I also use the [[https://www.python.org|Python.org's Python Frameworks]]. ===== Preparation ===== So I am leaving the... till use [[http://www.kyngchaos.com/software/frameworks/|William Kyngesbury's formidable GDAL Framework]
- workflow_to_generate_paleogis_projects @tectonicwaters #PaleoGIS #Plate tectonic modelling #Software
- stian Heine &date created = 2016-11-26 ~~ ====== Workflow to generate PaleoGIS projects ====== Having to work with PaleoGIS at work, I've been iterating on a workflow with the colleagues from the EarthByte group to produce a minimal, y
- 1113_working_with_plate_velocities_in_gplates @tectonicwaters:2013 #Data #GPGIM #GPlates #Plate reconstructions #Plate velocities #The need for speed
- ine &date created = 2013-11-13 10:26pm ~~ ====== Working with plate velocities in GPlates ====== GPlat... y and extract plate velocities. Depending on your work, you might have different requirements for these ... these points. This method is generally used when working with global models and when one wants to expor... metries</color>: Essentially all feature data one works with gets stuffed into the green layer type. Sha
- researchtools @teaching #Data science #Digital tools #Editor #LaTeX #Research #Revisioning #versioning
- task, M.Sc. or Ph.D. thesis -- requires tools to work efficiently. These tools depends on your personal preference and work styles, available budget and overall goals. My ... p|TeXShop]] (Mac only) * [[https://tug.org/texworks/|TeXWorks]] (all OSs) * [[https://www.texstudio.org/|TeXStudio]] ==== Reference management ====
- fieldwork @fieldwork
- ====== Fieldwork ====== A collection of fieldwork reports, images etc. * 2012: [[teaching:geos3104:marulanfieldprac20... au, northern Tasman Sea * 2003 - August: [[fieldwork:2004:wolfecreek:start|Wolfe Creek Meteorite Impac... etecka:start|Sierra de Tecka, Chubut, Argentina]] {{tag> fieldwork mapping survey geology geophysics}}
- paleogis @software #ArcGIS #Data formats #GIS #GPlates #PaleoGIS #PlateModelling #Workflows
- what I think is the most robust way to generate a working PaleoGIS model without actually having access ... reclasses.png?nolink |}} - From an existing and working PaleoGIS database, copy over the following tab... s doesn't have any major repercussions. Once this workflow is completed, the plate model should work fine.</note> - Once this is done, PaleoGIS will probabl
- syntax @wiki
- ty reasons direct browsing of windows shares only works in Microsoft Internet Explorer per default (and ... a and Firefox it can be enabled through different workaround mentioned in the [[http://kb.mozillazine.org/Links_to_local_pages_do_not_work|Mozilla Knowledge Base]]. However, there will sti... . In the example above a ''video.jpg'' file would work. ===== Lists ===== Dokuwiki supports ordered an
- gpgim @software:gplates
- ====== GPlates GPGIM ====== Ideas and working model for GPlates GPGIM <-> Shapefile interoperability an... ther alternative as Spatialite falls through when working with ArcGIS. In general, there's a painful ba... containers. ===== GPGIM Elements ===== Below a working document for ideas/suggestions to change/add f... method * ''SPREAD_ASY'': Spreading asymmetry === Workarounds === * Use ''GPGIM\_TYPE'' as the key attr
- 0628_graticules_for_plate_tectonic_reconstructions @tectonicwaters:2013 #Cartography #GPlates #Graticule #Map making #Plate reconstructions #Visualisation
- outlines and other geospatial features were. All worked quite happily with this concept and this old file. When I started to work on [[http://www.solid-earth-discuss.net/5/41/2013... sign plate ids for any new set of polygons one is working with and sometimes a bit of an update to the w... (Heine et al., 2013)}} Similarly, this will also work when using GPlates' SVG export. You can of course
- grot @software:gplates:grot #Data formats #GPGIM #GPlates #GROT #Rotation data
- es markup language (GPML) have opened new ways of working with plate tectonic data. Whereas the feature-... de a clean, logical and easy-to-use metadata framework. The file suffix for the new rotation file format... GPlates development and cumbersome when directly working with rotation files in a text editor. An exam... butor information related to individuals who have worked on various parts of the rotation sequences. In
- unixtools @software #ImageMagick #TipsAndTricks #WSL #awk #bash #git #magick #unison
- ships with a Git for Windows option. To make this work I've used the tutorial on the [[https://docs.micr... ndows subsystem for Linux ====== * Mount a network/mapped drive from Windows. This is from [[https:/... b-drives-windows-subsystem-for-linux/]]: * network storage which is already available on ''\\server\
- mapunits @fieldwork:sierradetecka
- Return to [[fieldwork:sierradetecka:start|Sierra de Tecka/Tepuel main page]] <note warning>NOT COMPLETE... 2 to NE, Co. Redondo in left background.>{{ :fieldwork:sierradetecka:22-34_l29lv.jpg?direct }}</imgcapti... dark colour. Height of specimen is 8cm.> {{ :fieldwork:sierradetecka:gt_conglom.jpg?direct }} </imgcapti
- wolfecreek @fieldwork:2004:wolfecreek #Australia #Field work #Geophysics #Meteorite #Western Australia #impact crater
- 2004 description: Pictures from geophysical fieldwork in the Wolfe Creek Meteorite crater with Craig O'... areAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) {{ :fieldwork:2004:wolfecreek:wolfecreek2003_pano_viewton.jpg?d... mpact crater with a view to the North}} {{ :fieldwork:2004:wolfecreek2003_pano_viewtose.jpg?direct |Pan
- sidebar
- nalysis/Exploration tectonics course]] * [[fieldwork:start|Fieldwork]] ---- ===== PaleoEarthLabs.org ===== * [[http://www.paleoearthlabs.org|Paleoearth
- 0518_gis_and_p_l_ain_text @tectonicwaters:2012 #ArcGIS #FileFormat #GIS #PostGIS #QGIS #SHP #Versioning
- 0322_the_joys_of_extracting_data_from_geoscientific_papers @tectonicwaters:2013 #GIS #Georeferencing #Reverse engineering
- 1025_geological_colours @tectonicwaters:2013 #CPT CITY #Cenozoic #Colorpalettes #Epochs #Era #FSL #GMT #GPlates #Generic Mapping Tools #GeoHacks #Magnetic chrons #Map making #Mesozoic #Paleozoic #Stages #Stratigraphy #Visualisation #code.paleoearthlabs.org #geologicaltimescale #geomagneticpolaritytimescale
- 0113_why_there_is_no_saharan_atlantic_ocean @tectonicwaters:2014 #Africa #Continental breakup #Cretaceous #Mesozoic #Numerical model #Plate reconstructions #Publishing #Rifting #South America #South Atlantic