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grot @computing:gplates:grot #Data formats #GPGIM #GPlates #GROT #Rotation data
36 Hits, Last modified:
e ''GPML'' by [[|X. Qin et ... s://|Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems (GI)]] in 2012.</note> ====== GROT: A ne... ve opened new ways of working with plate tectonic data. Whereas the feature-centric data model has been
paleogis @computing #ArcGIS #Data formats #GIS #GPlates #PaleoGIS #PlateModelling #Workflows
18 Hits, Last modified:
to get a model set up. ===== Setting up a clean database ===== Building a PaleoGIS model without a Pa... d anything useful (e.g. using Python to write the database table). The used ''*.mdb'' format makes it ve... ating an empty .mdb file}} - Import the feature data through right-clicking on the database file and selecting ''Import'' -> ''Feature Class (single)'' or '
workflow_to_generate_paleogis_projects @tectonicwaters #PaleoGIS #Plate tectonic modelling #Software
18 Hits, Last modified:
to get a model set up. ===== Setting up a clean database ===== Building a PaleoGIS model without a Pa... d anything useful (e.g. using Python to write the database table). The used ''*.mdb'' format makes it ve... ating an empty .mdb file}} - Import the feature data through right-clicking on the database file and selecting ''Import'' -> ''Feature Class (single)'' or '
attributenames @computing:gplates:grot
16 Hits, Last modified:
| Mandatory: Appropriate licensingterms for the data included in the file. | Example: ''Attribution-Sh... | Mandatory: URI of licensing terms for the data. | Example: ''[[ ge:temporal'' | Optional: Temporal coverage of data includedin this file. | Example ''0-600 Ma'' . | ... scription'' | Mandatory: Description of data set contained in this file. Multiline comment wra
pg9 @computing:postgresql
14 Hits, Last modified:
p Mac OS X for using PostgreSQL usage === As the database is to be owned by an account different than m... and ''PrimaryGroupID'' which should then own the data directory of the database cluster. See also [[ generate a new directory to write the PostgreSQL database cluster to. It is a good idea to hide this di
filebody @computing:gplates:grot
13 Hits, Last modified:
ation sequences ===== The file body contains all data outside the file header. These are Moving Plate R... ation pole level and will overide the MPRS header data: Multiline comment metadata in ''@MPRS'' header ... ill inherited from the MPRS). ==== Rotation Line Data ==== We adopt the legacy PLATES rotation format ... ion. Backwards compatibility with PLATES rotation data The format has not changed andis fully compatible
researchtools @teaching #Data science #Digital tools #Editor #LaTeX #Research #Revisioning #versioning
11 Hits, Last modified:|Zotero]] - "managing bibliographic data and related research materials" (Wikipedia) ===... source Photoshop(r) ==== Geographic/geophysical data ==== * (FOSS) [[|QGIS]] * (F...|Generic Mapping Tools]] ==== Data science ==== A bit of a crossover, but the Pytho... (Jupyter Notebooks, MatPlotLib etc) allows both, data analysis and visualisation in a notebook/browser.
python @computing
10 Hits, Last modified:
ndas ==== * Invert a single column of a Pandas Dataframe: ''df.col2 = df.col2.values[::-1]'' [[https:... om/questions/46244235/invert-a-single-column-in-a-dataframe|via StackOverflow]] * Joining multiple overlapping column names from multiple dataframes: ''pd.concat(data, axis=1)'' [[
sierradetecka @fieldwork:sierradetecka #Argentina #Jurassic #Paleozoic #Patagonia #Sierra de Tecka #fieldwork #laccolith #mapping
10 Hits, Last modified:
653/11425244-ammonites/]] * <todo>Check out the database</todo>[[]] *... === 1.1 Map base and Techniques ===== Geological data collected in the field were copied to a transpare... Adobe Photoshop(R) software. The geological field data were copied onto the modified images using Macrom... ern Gondwana break-up are constrained by seafloor data (Fig. 7) [Nürnberg & Müller, 1991; Lawver et al.,
0520_the_grot_-_a_new_rotation_file_format_for_gplates @tectonicwaters:2013 #FileFormat #GPGIM #GPML #GPlates #GROT #Metadata #Rotations
10 Hits, Last modified:
ary PDF to the [[|GPGIM Paper by Michael Chin]... website: <blockquote>The word "metadata" means "data about data". Metadata articulates a context for objects of interest -- "resources" such as MP3 files, l... some info on how to programmatically process the data, encoded. The GROT format is naturally not as eng
1113_working_with_plate_velocities_in_gplates @tectonicwaters:2013 #Data #GPGIM #GPlates #Plate reconstructions #Plate velocities #The need for speed
10 Hits, Last modified:
at GPlates utilises layers for different types of data, so here's a little digression and some backgroun... ructedGeometries</color>: Essentially all feature data one works with gets stuffed into the green layer ... 7f27>Co-registration</color>: Features related to data mining and association checks are combined in thi... ther feature collection/raster) to generate a new data type. * <color #99d9ea>Calculated velocity fiel
unixtools @computing #ImageMagick #TipsAndTricks #WSL #awk #bash #git #magick #unison
9 Hits, Last modified:
h ===== ==== Loops ==== Loop through a list of data, providing special cases depending on input data. <code bash> inData=( data1 data2 data3 ) # This generates an iterable list of items for theData in ${inData[*]}; do case "$
scientificdata @scientificdata #Data #Formats #GDAL #GMT #Raster data #Reproject #TipsAndTricks
9 Hits, Last modified:
====== Scientific data and formats ====== Scientific data, format descriptions and standards related to my work and publications. * [[.:platetectonics:datatypecodes|PLATES data type codes]] * [[.:platetectonics:birdplateboundaries|Peter Bird's 2002 plate bo
birdplateboundaries @scientificdata:platetectonics #Data #GMT #Plate boundaries
7 Hits, Last modified:
rd's paper in G-Cubed]] as original source of the data!). The file is released under the same license as the original data. ===== GMT's plot/psxy -S option ===== The rel... on a segment-by-segment basis. </code> ===== Raw data for download ===== Raw data for the Peter Bird 2002 Plate boundary file formatted for GMT, just click
devsuggestions @computing:gplates
6 Hits, Last modified:
nce I'd suggest to be able to “batch load” raster data. While this is possible for the time-dependent r... ilar functionality for a bunch of “normal” raster data as well. I realise that this might not be trivial... ntastic time saver if one has a number of gridded data sets which one would like to throw into GPlates. ... ilar to a “drag 'n drop” functionality for raster data in some way - for the georeferenced data GPlates
gpgim @computing:gplates
6 Hits, Last modified:
datatypecodes @scientificdata:platetectonics
6 Hits, Last modified:
fileheader @computing:gplates:grot
6 Hits, Last modified:
standardformat @computing:gplates:grot
6 Hits, Last modified:
reservoirs @teaching
4 Hits, Last modified:
fileformats @scientificdata
3 Hits, Last modified:
0527_from_the_dusty_archives @tectonicwaters:2018
3 Hits, Last modified:
examplefiles @computing:gplates:grot
3 Hits, Last modified:
move @computing
2 Hits, Last modified:
neovim @computing #Editor #lazyvim #neovim #plugin #vim
2 Hits, Last modified:
teaching @teaching #Advice #Courses #Teaching
2 Hits, Last modified:
syntax @wiki
2 Hits, Last modified:
1 Hits, Last modified:
qgis @computing
1 Hits, Last modified:
exploration_tectonics_course @tectonicwaters
1 Hits, Last modified:
dokuwiki @wiki
1 Hits, Last modified:
pgsql-u7 @computing:postgresql
1 Hits, Last modified: