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sierradetecka @fieldwork:sierradetecka #Argentina #Jurassic #Paleozoic #Patagonia #Sierra de Tecka #fieldwork #laccolith #mapping
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rra de Tecka/Tepuel ====== If you use any of the work presented on these pages, please cite the work as: <blockquote>Heine, Christian (2001), Geological Map... e important>Below a verbatim post of the original work I did back then, including inconsistencies and fu... oduction ====== ===== Introduction ===== This work is a Diploma-Mapping carried out at the Institute
0628_graticules_for_plate_tectonic_reconstructions @tectonicwaters:2013 #Cartography #GPlates #Graticule #Map making #Plate reconstructions #Visualisation
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his concept and this old file. When I started to work on [[ (Heine et al., 2013)}} Similarly, this will also work when using GPlates' SVG export. You can of course
unixtools @software #ImageMagick #TipsAndTricks #WSL #awk #bash #git #magick #unison
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ships with a Git for Windows option. To make this work I've used the tutorial on the [[https://docs.micr